safe and sound

safe and sound

Safe from danger and free from injury or harm. Hi Mom, I just wanted to let you know that I arrived in Paris safe and sound. I won't be able to relax during this storm until I know that the kids are both safe and sound.
See also: and, safe, sound
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

safe and sound

unharmed and whole or healthy. It was a rough trip, but we got there safe and sound. I'm glad to see you here safe and sound.
See also: and, safe, sound
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

safe and sound

Out of danger and unharmed, as in It was a challenging climb, so I'm relieved they got home safe and sound. [c. 1300]
See also: and, safe, sound
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

ˌsafe and ˈsound

safe; not hurt or harmed: Fortunately, the police found the missing children safe and sound.
See also: and, safe, sound
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

safe and sound

Out of danger and unharmed. This alliterative description dates from at least 1300, when it appeared in a Middle English treatise, Cursor Mundi, by an unknown author, and has been repeated ever since. Shakespeare (A Comedy of Errors) and Byron (Don Juan) are among the many poets undeterred by its sound, which must have been hackneyed by 1600.
See also: and, safe, sound
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • (as) safe as houses
  • safe as houses
  • safe
  • have a safe journey
  • have a safe trip
  • yegg
  • a safe bet
  • give (one) the all-clear
  • give the all-clear
  • freeze over
References in periodicals archive
As a special musical treat for all participants of this year's walk, Safe and Sound has invited Rob Idol, UK's number one 'Robbie Williams' tribute artist who has performed well over 1000 shows to an audience of over 2 million people throughout his career.
The steady increase in participant numbers serves as a very strong indicator that we are succeeding in widening our outreach and taking our message to a greater number of people each year," says Sabina Khandwani, Spokesperson of Safe and Sound and Head of PR and Marketing at BurJuman.
Roberta Rees, breast cancer survivor and strong supporter of the Safe and Sound campaign will be participating for the third consecutive year: "I'm more than happy to participate for the third time.
I congratulate Safe and Sound on their wonderful work all through the years to raise awareness on breast cancer.
On October 1st at 5:00pm the elegant spiral staircase inside BurJuman was filled with lanterns bathing the atmosphere in a layered ocean of lights celebrating the launch of the 2010 Safe and Sound Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign.
Symbolic for the knowledge and hope the campaign is spreading throughout the community, 'Volunteer in Dubai' gathered 100 individuals to light lanterns within the mall, graciously provided by 'Glowskies' -- a heartwarming kick-off to a Calendar of events run by the Safe and Sound campaign to encourage women to be alert and proactive about their breast health.