soft spot

a soft spot

A particular fondness or affection for someone or something, often for reasons that hard to understand or articulate. I've always had a soft spot for cheesy action films—there's just an earnest goofiness about them that I like. Despite how troublesome he could be, the teacher had a soft spot for Daniel.
See also: soft, spot
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

soft spot

1. A weak or vulnerable point, as in That's the soft spot in his argument. [Mid-1900s]
2. have a soft spot for. Have a tender or sentimental feeling for, as in Grandpa had a soft spot for Brian, his first grandson. This expression, first recorded in 1753 as "a soft place in one's heart," uses soft in the sense of "tender."
See also: soft, spot
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
See also:
  • a soft spot
  • have a soft spot for
  • have a soft spot for (someone or something)
  • have a soft spot for or an animal
  • have a soft spot for somebody/something
  • have a soft spot for someone/something
  • take a liking to (someone or something)
  • take a fancy to
  • take a fancy to (someone or something)
  • take a fancy to somebody/something
References in periodicals archive
There is a lot of uncertainty about the amount of slack that remains in the labor market, but 5.1 percent comes reasonably close to common estimates of "full employment." Even with the recent "soft spot" in spending, job gains averaged 180,000 per month during the first five months of 2005.
Many stars have a soft spot for animals whose populations are slipping.
Since July 1995, Moore, 56, has brought that same soft spot with the even larger title of president and CEO to Ft.
A soft spot, or fontanel, is the pliant and somewhat mushy area on the top ofa newborn's head where the four bones that will make up her uppermost skull have not quite grown together.
'President Duterte has a soft spot for the handicapped, children with special needs, cancer-stricken.
Fine dining and fad diets might be what springs to mind when you think of the eating habits of the rich and famous - but one Hollywood star has confessed to a soft spot for Greggs sandwiches.
The controllers were very helpful, allowing me to do some off-air-way broken-field running to stay out of them, but it was time: To get home, we needed to find something approaching a soft spot and get to the other side.
I'VE always had a soft spot for BBC2, having long had the impression that one of its primary purposes is to broadcast (often-groundbreaking) programmes BBC1 is too nervous to show.
"Jeff Stelling seems to have quite a soft spot for us.
GEORGE Elokobi admits to having a 'soft spot' for Bristol City.
Nigel Kennedy @ St David's Hall, Cardiff (Thursday) WE'VE always had a soft spot for outrageou* WE'VE always had a soft spot for Nigel Kennedy - you know, the incredibly successful classical violinist who spent his childhood with a very upper class basin-cut and cut-glass vowels.
Sara, 28, who will be returning for the third season of 90210 in the summer, regularly supports her fi ance but admits she has a soft spot for Murray.
Mr Backhouse said he had a "soft spot" for Donovan.
Millions watched on Saturday night as Shirley Hough got through the TV talent show auditions after handing judge Louis Walsh a rose and admitting to having a soft spot for him.
"I have a very soft spot for them and how they recovered from that terrible disaster."