
  • (as) safe as houses
  • (just) to be safe
  • (someone's) secret is safe with (one)
  • a good bet
  • a safe bet
  • a safe pair of hands
  • be as safe as houses
  • be in safe hands
  • be like/as safe as Fort Knox
  • better (to be) safe than sorry
  • better safe than sorry
  • have a safe journey
  • Have a safe trip
  • in safe hands
  • in safe/good hands
  • not safe for work
  • NSFW
  • on the safe side
  • play it safe
  • play safe
  • safe and sound
  • safe as houses
  • safe bet
  • safe haven
  • safe in the knowledge that
  • safe in the knowledge that...
  • safe pair of hands
  • safe space
  • the beaten road is the safest
  • the highest branch is not the safest roost
  • to be on the safe side
  • to be safe
  • Your secret is safe with me
References in classic literature
Then he unlocked one of the safes and drew out from an inner drawer a parchment book bound in brown vellum.
He passed here a few moments ago, to see if you were all safe, and he has gone on towards the flume.
If we can stop it in time, or control it, we are safe; but if we can not, it will carry away the bed and deposit with the rest, and we are ruined again."
"You think your wife safe in England," said Rokoff.
Here I am, with the Diamond safe and sound-- and what is the first news that meets me?
"Your father put it in the safe keeping of a bank in London.
'Then how,' said the old man, looking fearfully round, 'how can you bear to think that we are safe, when they are searching for me everywhere, and may come here, and steal upon us, even while we're talking?'
The Doctor and all his animals were safe in the Land of the Monkeys and the bridge was pulled across to the other side.
That sense of a dungeon, that sense of a horrible and degrading misfortune overtaking a creature fair to see and safe to trust, attaches only to ships moored in the docks of great European ports.
Sabin said, "to try and make every corner of the earth safe."
They've got him back, safe and sound, and he's in that cabin again, on bread and water, and loaded down with chains, till he's claimed or sold!"
His plan was to slip down to his uncle's private sitting room below, pass into the bedroom, steal the safe key from the old gentleman's clothes, and then go back and rob the safe.
But here Dolly interposed, and entreated her not to hear the worst, but the best; and besought the gentleman to tell them the best, and to keep the remainder of his news until they were safe among their friends again.
"These documents are contained in a safe in the fellow's study, and the study is the ante-room of his bed-chamber.
It would not be safe to admit him to the sheepfold."