Cracked scuba panel safety valve disc fracture analysis
Deval Patrick insisted yesterday that if lawmakers want the crime bill to become law this session they need to add his
safety valve provision.
Lawmakers deny Gov. Patrick his `safety valve'; Crime bill keeps tough three-strikes provisions
So whether the solid C[O.sub.2] is formed in the
safety valve or in the downstream line depends on the pressure drop at the outlet of the
safety valve and in the downstream line.
Experimental observation and empirical estimation of formation of solid carbon dioxide in safety valves for Refrigerating system
Boston Scientific offers a broad family of pressure activated
safety valve products, including the Vaxcel(R) PICC with PASV Valve technology.
But National Association of Chain Drug Stores president and chief executive officer Craig Fuller argues that the
safety valve only addresses product cost reimbursement, which he calls half of the equation.
Medicare, Medicaid are mixed bag of challenges, opportunities
Indeed, merit selection supporters usually stress the idea that retention elections act as a public "
safety valve" for accountability.
Judicial independence error
A Birmingham inventor who created a life-saving fire
safety valve after witnessing the tragic events of September 11 is about to see his design marketed worldwide by a city company.
Worldwide launch for city inventor
Most Western leaders agreed to significantly pump up what had been truly parsimonious development and relief budgets with the aim of opening a wider
safety valve on international terror.
Imperial roam: the United States squares off against the powerful temptations of empire. (margin notes)
The court noted that the "
safety valve" provision of the Prison Litigation Reform At (PLRA) applied to the prisoner's initial fee and that the prisoner should be allowed to proceed with his action.
Taylor v. Delatoore
safety valve covers, at most, 50% of the additional expenses per line above the cost index beginning in year two for upgrading the lines.
Sale of rural BBOC lines pick up speed. (Business Matters)
The standard package includes a flame
safety valve, pilots, sensors, solenoid valves, manual valves and digital temperature controls.
Investment Casting Furnaces
The amendment's supposed
safety valve against religious harassment in schools is to make the children of minority religions leave their classrooms and stand in the hall until the prayers, services or what-have-you are over -- in effect branding them as outcasts in the name of their religious liberty.
The Istook Amendment: vileness dressed as piety and cloaked in cynicism
Available since the end of last year, this new
safety valve replaces traditional cartridge valves that require system pressure.
Improved hydraulic valves & pumps upgrade injection machinery
For proper
safety valve seating and leak prevention, boilers should always be operated at slightly less than the pressure at which the
safety valve will engage.
Boiling points
Park Avenue South, which became an important alternative to Midtown in the early 1980's, has since served as a "
safety valve" for tenants seeking relief from Midtown's high rates, Goldsmith notes.
Park Avenue South sees vacancies fall as rents inch toward Midtown