

词组 make out
释义 make outv.1To write the facts asked for (as in an application blank or a report form); fill out. 写出;填写。◆ The teacher made out the report cars and gave them to the students to take home.老师填好成绩报告单,交给学生们带回家。2To see, hear, or understand by trying hard. 看出;听出;辨认出;理解。◆ It was dark, and we could not make out who was coming along the road.天很黑,我们看不清路上走过来的是谁。3informal To make someone believe; show; prove. 〖非正式〗使人相信;显示;证明。◆ Charles and Bob had a fight, and Charles tried to make out that Bob started it.查尔斯和鲍勃打了一架,查尔斯试图证明是鲍勃先动的手。4informal Do well enough; succeed. 〖非正式〗进展;成功。◆ John's father wanted John to do well in school and asked the teacher how John was making out.约翰的父亲希望约翰在学校里表现良好,他向老师询问约翰在学校的情况。5To kiss or pet. 亲吻;爱抚。◆ "What are Jack and Jill up to?" "They're making out on the back porch."“杰克和吉尔在干什么?”“他们在后门廊那儿亲热呢。”




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