

词组 out of bounds
释义 out of boundsadv. or adj. phr.1Outside of the boundary lines in a game; not on or inside the playing field. 在界外;在球场边线之外。◆ Bill thought he had scored a touchdown, but he had stepped out of bounds before he reached the goal line.比尔以为自己触地得分了,但他在抵达球门线之前跑出了边线。2Outside of a circumscribed area for a certain kind of work, such as construction or military site. 位于可自由出入的地界之外,不准进入。◆ The captain's cabin is out of bounds to the passengers on the ship.船长的房舱禁止船上的旅客时入。3Outside of safe or proper limits; not doing what is proper; breaking the rules of good behavior. 逾越限度;越轨;不守规矩。◆ John was out of bounds when he called Tom a liar in the meeting.约翰在会上骂汤姆撒谎是越轨的行为。




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