

词组 out of character
释义 out of characteradv. or adj. phr.1Not in agreement with a person's character or personality; not in the way that a person usually behaves or is expected to behave; not usual; unsuitable; uncharacteristic. 与自身个性不相符(或不相称);出乎预料;反常的;不适当的。◆ Mary is a nice girl. Her fit of temper was out of character.玛丽是个好姑娘;她突然大发脾气有点出乎意外。2Not in character; unsuitable for a part or character. (与所扮演的角色)不相称,不适合。◆ It isn't always out of character for a young actor to play an old man, if he is a good actor.如果是名好演员,年轻人演老人也不一定演不好。




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