

词组 wind up
释义 wind upv.1To tighten the spring of a machine; to make it work or run. 给(机器)上紧发条;使发动。◆ He doesn't have to wind up his watch because it is run by a battery.他不需要给他的手表上发条因为它是用电池驱动的。2To make very excited, nervous, upset. 使激动;使紧张;使心烦意乱。◆ The excitement of her birthday party got Jane all wound up so she could not sleep.生日聚会带来的激动使简兴奋得无法入眠。3informal To bring or come to an end; finish; stop. 〖非正式〗(使)结束;完成;停止。◆ Before Jim knew it, he had spent all his money and he wound up broke.吉姆很快就花光了所有的钱,最后连一个子儿也没了。4To put (your business or personal affairs) in order; arrange; settle. 把(生意或个人事务)料理停当;安排;料理。◆ Fred wound up his business and personal affairs before joining the Navy.弗雷德把公私事务料理妥当后才去参加海军。




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