

词组 step up
释义 step upv.1To go from a lower to a higher place. 向上走;登上。◆ John stepped up onto the platform and began to speak.约翰走上讲台开始讲话。2To come towards or near; approach. 走近;走上前。◆ The sergeant called for volunteers and Private Jones stepped up to volunteer.中士需要志愿者,二等兵琼斯走上前去报名。3To go or to make (something) go faster or more actively. 加快;加紧。◆ When John found he was going to be late, he stepped up his pace.约翰发现自己要迟到时便加快了步伐。4To rise to a higher or more important position; be promoted. 提升,晋升;获得提升。◆ This year Mary is secretary of the club, but I am sure she will step up to president next year.今年玛丽是俱乐部的秘书,但我确信明年她将被提升为主席。




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