

词组 out of
释义 out ofprep.1aFrom the inside to the outside of. 从…里面。◆ John took the apple out of the bag.约翰从包里拿出一只苹果。1bIn a place away from. 不在。◆ No, you can't see Mr. Jones; he is out of the office today.不,你见不到琼斯先生;他今天不在办公室。2From a particular condition or situation; not in; from; in a way changed from being in. 摆脱;脱离;不再在…中。◆ The drugstore is going out of business.这家杂货店就要停业了。3Beyond the range of. 在…范围之外;越出…之外。◆ The plane is out of sight now.飞机现在已看不见了。4From (a source). 从…中;从…身上。◆ Mother asked Billy who started the fight, but she couldn't get anything out of him.母亲问比利打架是谁引起的,但从他那儿问不出什么来。5Because of; as a result of. 由于;出于。◆ Mary scolded Joan out of jealousy.玛丽责骂琼是由于嫉妒。6Without; not having. 缺乏;没有。◆ The store is out of coffee.店里咖啡脱销了。7From (a material). 用…(制成)。◆ The house is built out of stone.这幢房子是用石头建造的。8From among. 从…中。◆ The man picked Joe out of the crowd.那人从人群中选出了乔。




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