

词组 weight
释义 weight /weɪt/ SEE ALL
be a ˌweight off your ˈshouldersused to say that you are glad that you do not have to worry about sth any longer 卸下肩上的担子;如释重负Finally paying off my debts was a great weight off my shoulders.
put/throw your weight behind sthuse all your influence and power to support sth 鼎力支持;全力相助Several of the country’s leading politicians have thrown their weight behind the campaign.
take the ˈweight off your feet (informal) used to tell sb who is tired to sit down 坐下歇歇脚;坐下喘口气;让两条腿歇一歇Here, take the weight off your feet and I’ll bring you a cup of tea and a biscuit.
throw your ˈweight about/around (informal) use your position of authority or power in an aggressive way in order to get what you want 滥用职权;仗势欺人;耀武扬威He started throwing his weight around, shouting at everyone and telling them what to do.
weight of ˈnumbersthe combined power, strength or influence of a group 人多势众;靠团队力量They got what they wanted by sheer weight of numbers.
carry ˈweightbe important or able to influence sb 有重要性;有影响力His opinions carry very little weight with his manager.他的看法对经理来说根本不重要。groan under the weight of sth (written) used to say that there is a lot or too much of sth (形容某物甚多或过多)在重压下发出嘎吱声The dining table was groaning under the weight of all the food.餐桌上摆满了丰盛的菜肴。 NOTE The phrase suggests that something such as a table is making a low noise because there is too much weight on it. 这个短语的言外之意就是像桌子之类的东西受到重压后会发出低沉的声响。 (take) a load/weight off sb’s mindgreat relief, because a problem has been solved (使人感到)如释重负;(使人)心里一块石头落地Selling the house was an enormous weight off my mind.房子脱手了,我倍感轻松。‘I’ve finished all my essays.’ ‘I bet that’s a load off your mind.’“我把论文全写完了。”“我敢说你现在是一身轻松。”It took a load off my mind when the doctor said I was free from infection.医生说我未受到感染,我心里的一块石头落了地。pull your ˈweightdo your fair share of the work 尽本分;做好分内的事If everyone pulls their weight we’re going to win this prize with no trouble at all.如果人人都尽力的话,我们一定能顺利获得此奖项。She’s annoyed because she feels that certain people are not pulling their weight.她觉得有些人不尽责,为此她很恼火。punch above/below your ˈweightdo an activity that might be considered above/below your abilities 从事自己难以胜任/能胜任的活动Scotland is punching above its weight in research output.苏格兰在研究成果方面显得力不从心。be ˌworth your/its ˌweight in ˈgoldbe very useful or valuable 非常有用;很有价值My assistant is worth her weight in gold.我的助手是不可多得的人才。




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