

词组 plus
释义 plus1 /plʌs/
plus or ˈminusused when the number mentioned may actually be more or less by a particular amount 或多或少;大约The margin of error was plus or minus three percentage points.
plus2 /pluː/
plus ça ˈchange (, plus c’est la même ˈchose)BrE /ˌpluː sæ ˈʃɒ̃nʒ/
NAmE /ˈʃɔ̃ːʒ/
(from French, saying) some things never really change, even though details such as time and people involved may be different 万变不离其宗Despite assurances that this year’s competition would welcome new talent and new ideas, none of the newcomers have reached the final round. Plus ça change…
NOTE The meaning of the full expression in French is ‘the more it changes, the more it stays the same’. 这个法语表达法的完整形式意为“越变越不离原样”。




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