

词组 pocket
释义 pocket BrE /ˈpɒkɪt/
NAmE /ˈpɑːk-/
be ˌin/ˌout of ˈpocket (especially BrE) have gained/lost money as a result of sth 赚钱/赔钱That one mistake left him thousands of pounds out of pocket.
Even after paying the extra fee, we were still £100 in pocket.
付了额外费用之后,我们还挣了 100 英镑。
in sb’s ˈpocket (informal) in sb’s control, under sb’s influence, etc. 受某人的控制(或影响等);在某人掌握之中She makes all the decisions, not him. He’s completely in her pocket.
The gang had hundreds of police officers in their pockets.
OPP be your own man/woman
out of your own ˈpocketwith your own money 自掏腰包;用自己的钱He paid for the trip out of his own pocket.
put your ˌhand in/into your ˈpocket (BrE) spend or give money 花钱;掏腰包One of our colleagues is retiring, so I expect they’ll want us to put our hands into our pockets for a present.有一个同事要退休了,我想他们可能要我们花钱买件礼物。He’s one of the meanest men I know. He never puts his hand in his pocket for anything.他是我认识的最吝啬的人,从不肯花钱买任何东西。line your (own)/sb’s ˈpocket(s) (informal) make a lot of money dishonestly, especially by stealing it from your employer 中饱私囊;发不义之财He’d been lining his pockets for years before it was discovered.他多年中饱私囊,终于东窗事发。money burns a ˈhole in your pocket (informal) sb spends or wants to spend money very quickly and carelessly 花钱如流水;钱烧口袋漏,一有就不留She can’t wait to spend her prize money — it’s burning a hole in her pocket.她迫不及待地想把奖金花了,这些钱她根本留不住。He gets paid on Friday and by Monday he’s spent it all. Money just burns a hole in his pocket.他周五领工资,周一就花光了,好像钱会烧手一样。pick sb’s ˈpocketsteal money or other things from sb’s pocket without them realizing 扒窃;从某人的口袋里偷东西I can’t find my wallet. I think somebody’s picked my pocket!我的钱包找不到了,一定有人掏了我的包!If she’s not careful she’ll get her pocket picked.如果她不小心些,口袋里的东西会被偷的。 ˈpickpocket


a person who picks pockets 扒手;掏包儿的人Be careful of pickpockets when you’re on the underground in London.在伦敦坐地铁时一定要小心扒手。




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