

词组 point
释义 point /pɔɪnt/ SEE ALL
ask, tell, etc. sb point ˈblankask, tell, etc. sb very directly, and perhaps rudely 毫不留情地问;直截了当地告诉I told him point blank that we no longer wanted him to work for us.
She asked me point blank why I didn’t like her.
ORIGIN Point blank originally referred to firing a gun or shooting an arrow directly at the centre of a target from very close to it. * point blank 原指在距离目标中心很近的地方朝它开枪或射箭。
be on the ˈpoint of doing sthbe about to do sth 正准备做某事I was on the point of posting the letter when I saw it didn’t have a stamp on it.
beside the ˈpointof no importance to the matter being discussed; irrelevant 离题;不相干His political interests are beside the point. All I want to know about him is whether he can do the job properly.
come/get (straight) to the ˈpointtalk about the most important problem, matter, etc. immediately rather than have a general conversation first 开门见山;直入正题Stop avoiding the issue and come to the point!
Let me get straight to the point. I don’t think you’ll pass this exam unless you work harder.
get the ˈpoint (of sth)understand sb’s explanation 理解;明白You haven’t got the point of what I’m trying to say.
Oh, I see. I get the point.
have a ˈpoint (there)have made a good suggestion; have a good idea 说得有道理;想法不错He’s got a point there; if you sell the house now you’ll lose money, so why not wait till next year?
Animal rights campaigners have a point when they say that a lot of animal testing is unnecessary.
if/when it ˌcomes to the ˈpointif/when the time comes when you have to do or decide sth 到了必须做某事(或作决定)时I’m not frightened of flying, but when it comes to the point I’d rather travel by train.
in point of ˈfactused to say what is true in a situation 实际上;其实‘Picasso painted this picture in 1935.’ ‘In point of fact, Joanna, he painted it in 1934.’
“毕加索画这幅画的时间是 1935 年。”“乔安娜,应该是 1934 年。”
I’ll visit you next time I’m in Berlin. In point of fact, I’m supposed to be going there next month, so why don’t I come and see you then?
make your ˈpointexplain your opinion fully; tell sb exactly what you mean 详细阐述;说明自己的观点They were all talking so loudly I didn’t get a chance to make my point.
Look, I think you’ve made your point, Mr Davies. Perhaps we should hear somebody else’s opinion.
make a ˈpoint of doing sthmake sure you do sth; make an effort to do sth because you think it is the correct way to do things 特意做;尽可能做I always make a point of locking up at night.
She made a point of thanking all the staff before she left the office.
ˌmore to the ˈpointmore important to the subject being discussed than what has already been mentioned 更为重要的是Drinking and driving is against the law and, more to the point, extremely dangerous.
point a/the ˈfinger (at sb)say you think sb is responsible for sth; accuse sb of doing sth 指责;指控It was his wife who pointed the finger at him in the end.
ˌpoint of ˈcontacta place where you go or a person that you speak to when you are dealing with an organization 联系地点;联系人The receptionist is the first point of contact most people have with the clinic.
a ˌpoint of deˈparture1. a place where a journey starts (旅程的)出发点2. (formal) an idea, a theory or an event that is used to start a discussion, an activity, etc. (讨论、活动等的)起点Professor Brown’s recent article will certainly be the point of departure for future research on the subject.
a ˌpoint of ˈhonour (BrE) (NAmE a ˌpoint of ˈhonor) a thing that sb considers to be very important for their honour or reputation 事关荣誉(或名誉)的大事His refusal to talk to the press about his private life had always been a point of honour for him.
(get to, reach, etc.) the ˌpoint of ˌno reˈturnthe time when you must continue with what you have decided to do, because it is not possible to get back to an earlier situation (到了)欲罢不能的时刻,已无退路的状态,不可能回头的临界点We’ve invested so much in the project that we simply must finish it. We’ve reached the point of no return.
a ˌpoint of ˈview1. sb’s opinion about sb/sth 观点;看法I don’t agree with her, but she has a right to her point of view.
2. one way of looking at or judging sth (看待事物的)角度;判断方法From the businessman’s point of view these new hourly flights to Paris are just what is needed.
point the ˈway (to/towards sth)show how things will develop in future 指出事物发展的方向New high-speed trains are pointing the way to a new age of European travel.
take sb’s ˈpointunderstand and accept the truth of what sb has said, especially during an argument, discussion, etc. (尤指在讨论、争辩等中)理解并接受某人的观点I take your point, Simon, but I don’t think it’s as simple as you think.
‘Look, Jane. I know a lot more about physics than you, so why do you keep disagreeing with what I say?’ ‘OK,point taken.’
to the ˈpointexpressed in a simple, clear way without any extra information or feelings 说到点子上;中肯;切题The speech was short and to the point.
to the ˈpoint of sth/of doing sthto such an extent that a stronger description could be used 达到…程度;近乎The restaurant staff were unhelpful to the point of rudeness.
His remarks were unkind to the point of being cruel.
up to a (certain) ˈpointto some extent; not completely 在某种程度上I’m willing to help you up to a point, but after that you’ll have to look after yourself.
I agree with you up to a point, but not completely.
a case in ˈpointa clear example of the problem, situation, etc. that is being discussed 明证;恰当的例证Many of the students are from Latin America. Carlos is a case in point — he’s from Colombia.许多学生来自拉美。卡洛斯就是一个明显的例子,他来自哥伦比亚。not to put too fine a ˈpoint on itused when you are about to speak very directly or honestly 不客气地说;直截了当地说Not to put too fine a point on it, I think you’ve been a complete idiot.不客气地说,我觉得你是个彻头彻尾的白痴。the ˈhigh point/spot of sththe best, most interesting, entertaining, etc. part of sth 最好(或最有趣等)的部分;顶点;最佳状态The high spot of our trip was the visit to Rome.我们旅行中最带劲的是游览罗马。It was the high point of the evening.那是晚会的高潮。labour the ˈpointcontinue to repeat or explain sth that is already clear 一再重复,反复解释(已清楚的事)I think you’ve said enough — there’s no need to labour the point.我认为你已经说得够多了,没有必要一再重复。be a moot ˈpoint/ˈquestionbe a subject that people disagree on or are uncertain about 有争议的问题;悬而未决的事It’s a moot point whether women or men make better drivers.是男性还是女性更善于驾车?这是一个有争议的问题。 ORIGIN A moot was a group of people who met to discuss questions of local or national law during the Anglo-Saxon period. A moot point was a question of law discussed at this meeting. * moot 指盎格鲁 - 撒克逊时代聚集在一起讨论地方法或国法的一群人。moot point 指会上讨论的法律问题。satuˈration pointso full that you cannot add any more 饱和状态The refugee camps have reached saturation point.难民营已是人满为患。ˌscore a ˈpoint/ˈpoints (off/over/against sb) (especially BrE) defeat sb in an argument; deliberately say sth that makes sb appear stupid (在辩论中)驳倒某人;使某人出洋相Why don’t you try to solve the problem instead of scoring points over each other?你们为什么不尽力去解决问题而是互相拆台呢?I don’t like David. He’s always trying to score points off everybody.我不喜欢戴维,他总是谁都想驳倒。 ˈpoint-scoring


political point-scoring使人政治上出丑
a ˌsore ˈpoint (with sb)a subject or matter that makes sb feel angry or hurt 心病;痛处;伤心事The tax increases are a sore point with Jake, as he’s going to lose a lot of money.增税可是杰克的一件伤心事,因为他会损失一大笔钱。stretch a ˈpointallow sb to break the rules for a good reason 破例;通融You are usually only allowed one hour for lunch, but I’m prepared to stretch a point if there’s an emergency.通常只给你们一个小时的午饭时间,不过如果有紧急情况我会通融一下的。be your ˈstrong point/suitbe a thing that you do well 是某人的强项;为某人所长Writing letters has never been my strong point.我从来就不擅长写信。Logic is definitely not his strong suit.逻辑推理绝对不是他的强项。a/the ˈtipping pointthe point at which, after a series of small changes, sth reaches a level where it begins to change dramatically or starts to have an important effect on sth/sb (一系列小变化累积成大趋势的)引爆点,临界点,拐点We’re at a tipping point; if we spend just a bit more, we will get a large increase in productivity.我们正处于一个拐点;假如我们再加大一点支出,就会大大提升生产率。




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