

词组 power
power /ˈpaʊə $ paʊr/ noun 1. the ability or right to control people or eventsadjectivesgreat/huge/enormous power General Tong has enormous power.real power The organization can make recommendations, but has no real power.limited power Compared with other government departments, our power is limited.absolute power (=total power, with no limits) Kings and queens had absolute power over their subjects.unbridled power (=without any controls) These men exercised unbridled power in the region.political/economic/military power New buildings are being built everywhere, a sign of the country’s growing economic power. | He used all of his political power to force the legislation through Parliament.legislative power (=the power to pass laws) Congress has the legislative power but the president has a veto.verbshave power People who have power never seem to use it to help others.get/gain power Women were trying to gain power in a male-dominated world.use your power also exercise (your) power formal Questions have been asked about the way the police exercised their power. | The party will use all its power and influence to raise the issue in the Senate.wield power formal (=have and use a lot of power) The Church still wields enormous power in the country.power lies with/rests with sb The real power lies with the military.power + nounsa power struggle (=a situation in which groups or leaders try to get control) The country is caught in a power struggle between pro- and anti-democracy forces.sb’s/sth’s power base (=a group whose support makes a leader or party strong) The Republican Party’s power base is in the southern states.prepositionspower over sth People should have more power over decisions that affect their lives.the power of sth The government was determined to break the power of the unions.phrasesthe balance of power (=the way power is divided between people or groups) There has been a change in the balance of power between the two countries.a position of power Many of them were using their positions of power for personal advantage.an abuse of power This cover-up was a shocking abuse of power.power is in sb’s hands Too much power is concentrated in the hands of one man.2. the position of having political control of a country or governmentphrasesbe in power The law was passed when the Democrats were in power.sb’s rise to power The film examines Saddam Hussein’s rise to power.sb’s return to power Supporters celebrated the party’s return to power.verbscome to power (=start being in control) Tony Blair came to power in 1997.take power also assume power formal (=start being in control, usually without an election) Many people fled after the military took power last September. | He assumed power after the assassination of the former president.seize power (=take power by force) His son seized power in a military coup.win power (=win an election) Since winning power, the coalition has faced many problems.rise to power The Roman emperor Vespasian rose to power through command of an army.return/be returned to power (=start being in control again, usually after an election) The party was returned to power with an even larger majority.hold power (=be in power) The economy prospered during the time that he held power.restore sb to power In 2004, the army restored him to power.sweep to power (=win an election easily) Reagan swept to power by promising economic reforms.cling (on) to power (=keep political control of a country, especially with difficulty) The dictator clung to power for 27 years.3. energy that can be used to make a machine work or to make electricityadjectives/nouns + powernuclear power The accident raised doubts about the safety of nuclear power.solar power (=energy produced by sunlight) They use solar power for all their heating.wind power (=energy produced by the wind) Is wind power the answer to the energy crisis?hydroelectric power (=energy produced by flowing water) The factory is run on hydroelectric power.wave power (=energy produced by waves in the sea) Wave power can be used to generate electricity.steam power (=energy produced from steam) Early engines were driven by steam power.verbs + powerrun on solar/wind etc power also use solar/wind etc power The lighting system runs on solar power.generate power The river is used to generate power and to irrigate the land.power + nounsa power source We need to look for alternative power sources.a power plant/station The river was affected by pollution from a local power station.power generation Household waste can be used for power generation.phrasesa source of power They rely on coal as their main source of power.under its own power (=without help from another machine) The ship was able to leave port under its own power.4. a country that is strong and important, or has a lot of military strengthadjectives/nouns + powera great power Britain wanted to maintain her status as a great power.a major power There will be representatives from all the world’s major powers at the conference.a world/global power (=one with influence all over the world) The United States had replaced Great Britain as the dominant world power.a military/naval power (=with a very strong army or navy) Russia had become a naval power equal to Spain.a foreign power He was charged with spying for a foreign power.an industrial power (=with many successful industries) China is now a formidable industrial power.THESAURUS: power country (1)5. the ability to do something – used about natural abilities, or special abilities that someone or something hasGrammarOften plural in this meaning.adjectivesmental powers (=the ability to think) Holmes needed all his mental powers to solve the riddle.creative powers (=the ability to use your imagination and think of new things) She was at the height of her creative powers when she wrote that novel.magical/supernatural/miraculous powers Diamonds were once thought to have magical powers.healing powers (=the ability to make a sick person better) The water was supposed to have healing powers.psychic powers (=mysterious powers, for example the ability to know what will happen in the future, or know what another person is thinking) She claims to have psychic powers, but there’s no proof.verbshave ... powers Some plants are believed to have medicinal powers.lose the power to do sth He was a brilliant speaker, who never lost the power to influence people.sb’s powers are failing/waning (=becoming less good) Mark felt that his creative powers were waning.phrasesthe power of speech (=the ability to speak) I was so surprised that I momentarily lost the power of speech.the power of flight Some birds have lost the power of flight.powers of observation Sailors had to use their powers of observation to predict the weather.powers of concentration As you get older, your powers of concentration may decrease.powers of persuasion She used all her powers of persuasion to convince Tilly that the move was a good idea.be at the height of your powers (=be at the point in your life when your abilities are strongest) Fonteyn was still at the height of her powers as a dancer.




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