

词组 crop
crop /krɒp $ krɑːp/ noun 1. a plant such as wheat, rice, or fruit that is grown by farmersadjectives/nouns + cropthe wheat/cereal/rice etc crop In January, farmers prepare the ground for the potato crop.a food crop The land is unfit for food crops.a staple crop (=an important one that forms a big part of people’s diet) In Japan, rice has been the staple crop for centuries.a cash crop (=grown to be sold rather than used) Cotton is grown here as a cash crop.an export crop (=grown to be exported) Cocoa is the country’s main export crop.genetically modified crops also GM crops (=ones that have had their genetic structure changed) GM crops could cause huge problems for the environment.an arable/agricultural crop (=grown on farm land) A lot of woodland has been cleared for arable crops.verbs + cropgrow a crop also cultivate a crop formal They grow crops such as beans and maize.plant/sow a crop They cleared the ground and planted crops.spray crops Crops are sprayed with chemicals to protect against insects and disease.irrigate crops (=water them) Water from the river was used to irrigate crops.rotate crops (=regularly change the crops grown on a piece of land) Crops are sometimes rotated with grass.sth destroys/damages a crop The crops were destroyed by insects.crop + verbsa crop grows They prayed for rain that would help the crops grow.a crop ripens (=becomes ripe and ready to pick) It is too cold here for crops to ripen.a crop fails (=does not grow or produce food properly) The drought meant the crops failed and food was scarce.crop + nounscrop production The area is mostly unsuitable for crop production.crop failure (=failure to grow or produce food) Ethiopia’s 1989 crop failure was disastrous.crop damage The storms caused crop damage across the country.crop rotation (=the practice of not growing the same crops in the same place each year) Crop rotation helps build up soil fertility.2. the amount of wheat, rice, fruit etc that is produced in a seasonadjectivesa good/heavy/big crop We had a good crop this year.a bumper crop (=a very large amount) They will have to find somewhere to store their bumper crop.a record crop (=the largest amount ever) They had a record crop of grapes last year.a poor crop Food prices rose last spring as a result of poor crops.verbsproduce/yield a crop Olive trees usually produce a big crop every two years.harvest/bring in/gather a crop Brazil’s coffee crop begins to be harvested in May.prepositionsa crop of sth If you follow these instructions, you should get a good crop of apples next year.




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