

词组 environmentally friendly
environmentally friendly /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentli ˈfrendli/ adjective not harmful to the environmentnounsenvironmentally friendly products The company claims that all its products are environmentally friendly.an environmentally friendly car/vehicle/form of transport Battery-powered cars are supposed to be environmentally friendly, but where does the electricity come from?environmentally friendly methods/practices/technology Farmers are using more environmentally friendly farming methods, and there are more birds and butterflies in the fields.an environmentally friendly alternative Parents of babies should consider using an environmentally friendly alternative to disposable nappies.environmentally friendly paper/packaging/washing powder etc All their books are printed on environmentally friendly paper.THESAURUS: environmentally friendly eco-friendlyproducts | house | home | car | light bulb | technology | lifestyle eco-friendly means the same as environmentally friendly. People often use eco-friendly because it is shorter and easier to say: We always use eco-friendly cleaning products. | The book offers advice on how to make your home more eco-friendly. greenenergy | technology | products | building | party | movement | campaigner | politician | Member of Parliament | issues | image | credentials not harmful to the environment. You also use green about the people and issues that are concerned with protecting the environment: The electricity will come from green energy sources such as wind farms. | The US leads the world in green technology. | Green campaigners are opposed to the building of a new airport. | Green issues should be higher on the political agenda. | The company is anxious to maintain its green credentials (=its reputation for not harming the environment). cleanenergy | fuel | technology | alternative clean energy and fuels do not release any harmful substances into the atmosphere: Hydrogen could be a fantastic source of clean energy. | We need cleaner fuels for cars and other road vehicles. | Gas is a cheaper and cleaner alternative to oil. renewableenergy | power | fuel | source | resource | technology renewable energy comes from sources that can be easily replaced naturally, so that there is always more available: The building is heated using renewable energy from the sun. | Wind power is renewable and produces no greenhouse gases during operation. | Trees can be a renewable resource if forests are managed properly. sustainabledevelopment | growth | agriculture | farming | tourism | source | resource | lifestyle using the earth’s resources, without causing damage to the environment – used especially about farming, ways of living, and development: The government wants to encourage sustainable development of the areas around our cities. | Sustainable farming is much more cost-effective in the long term. | All our timber products come from sustainable sources. | We need to make changes that will make our lifestyle more environmentally sustainable. carbon-neutralcity | home | company | strategy balancing the amount of carbon gases that you put into the earth’s atmosphere with other activities that will effectively reduce the amount of carbon gases, for example by planting trees: This is the world’s first carbon-neutral city. | All new homes will have to be carbon-neutral. low-carboneconomy | technology | electricity producing only a small amount of carbon: The paper examines ways of developing a low-carbon economy. | The use of wind farms and other low-carbon technology could reduce energy bills. | The school uses low-carbon electricity. low-energylight bulb | house | building | housing using very little energy: Low-energy lightbulbs have been criticized because they do not produce enough light. | Low-energy houses are designed to keep the heat from escaping.




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