

词组 elect
elect /ɪˈlekt/ verb to choose someone for an official position by votingnounselect sb (as) leader/president/mayor etc Chavez was elected president in 1998. | Kaysone was elected as party president. elect a government Voters will elect a new government on November 26. elect a representative/elect sb as a representative Lucio was elected as a state representative in 2006.GrammarThe passive form elected is often used before nouns, like an adjective: Rebels tried to overthrow the elected government. Elected officials are not allowed to accept money from the public.adverbsdemocratically elected This is the country’s first democratically elected government.freely elected (=elected in a fair election) He is the Congo’s first freely elected president in more than 40 years.newly elected What would be your advice to the newly elected president?duly elected (=as people expected) Edwards was duly elected as treasurer at the next annual meeting.elect sb unanimously (=all of the people in a group vote for someone) The new chairman was elected unanimously by the members of the board.prepositionsbe elected to Parliament/Congress etc He was the first Muslim to be elected to Congress.elect sb as leader/president/chairman etc The people elected her as their leader. | Wilkes was elected as a Member of Parliament.phrasesrun for elected office (=try to be elected for an important position such as mayor) She decided to run for elected office.THESAURUS: elect vote1




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