

词组 education
education /ˌedjʊˈkeɪʃən $ ˌedʒə-/ noun the process of teaching and learningadjectives/nouns + educationa good education It is important to get a good education.a poor education (=not very good) She had a poor education, and left school without qualifications.an all-round education (=including a balance of lots of different subjects) The school offers a good all-round education.full-time education (=spending every weekday in a school or college) Children must stay in full-time education until the age of 16.state education BrE public education AmE (=provided by the government) The state of California guarantees free public education to all children.private education (=that people have to pay for) I don’t agree with the principle of private education.formal education (=from teachers at school or college, rather than learning by yourself) She had no formal education and was brought up by her grandmother.higher education (=at universities) When he starts university in October, he will be the first member of his family to go into higher education.further education BrE (=at colleges after leaving school) The government aims to provide further education for everyone.secondary education (=for students between 11 and 18 years old) She hopes to start a teaching career in secondary education.primary education BrE elementary education AmE (=for children aged between 5 and 11) The government has announced plans to improve the quality of primary school education.nursery/pre-school education (=for children aged under 5) The funding will provide nursery education for all four-year-olds.adult education (=for adults) They run adult education classes at the local community college.vocational education (=relating to skills needed for a particular job) We offer vocational education and job training.a university/college education Did you have a university education?health/sex education Health education leaflets give information about the dangers of smoking.verbshave an education Most teachers have had a university education.get/receive an education Some children grow up without receiving any education.give/provide an education The school aims to provide a good general education.stay in education He decided to get a job rather than stay in education.continue your education I hope to continue my education after high school.complete/finish your education He went back to the US to finish his education.deny sb an education (=not allow them to have it) Young people are being denied a good education.enter education formal (=start going to school, college etc) The number of students entering higher education has risen.leave education BrE (=stop going to school, college etc) She left full-time education at the age of 16.education + nounsthe education system Japan’s education system is very different from that of Britain.education policy The teaching unions are calling for the government to review its education policy.education reform They talked about the government’s programme of education reform.the local education authority BrE The school is funded by the local education authority.the education department Newcastle City Council’s education department has a new leader.the education service There are plans to expand the adult education service.prepositionsthe education of sb The education of women was inadequate.




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