take the weight off your feet
take the wheel
take the wind out of sb’s sails
take the words out of sb’s mouth
take the words (right) out of sb’s mouth
take the words right out of sb’s mouth
take things easy
take things one day at a time
(take to sth) like a duck to water
take to sth like a duck to water
take to your bed
take to your heels
take trouble doing do sth
take trouble doing/to do sth
take trouble over sth
take trouble over/with sth
take trouble to do sth
take trouble with sth
take turns doing sth do sth
take turns doing sth/to do sth
take turns doing to do sth
take umbrage
take umbrage (at sth)
take umbrage at sth
take up the cudgels for sb
take up the cudgels for sb/sth
take up the cudgels for sth
take up the cudgels on behalf of sb
take up the cudgels on behalf of sb/sth
take up the cudgels on behalf of sth
take up the gauntlet
take up the slack
take wing
take years off sb
take your chances
take your courage in both hands
take your cue from sb
take your hands off sb
take your hands off sth
take your hat off to sb
take (your) leave (of sb)
take your leave of sb
take your life in your hands
take your lumps
take your medicine
take your medicine (like a man)
take your medicine like a man
take your own life
take your pick
take your pick of sth
take your place
take your time
take your time doing sth do over sth
take your time doing sth do sth sth
take your time (doing sth/to do sth/over sth)
take your time doing to do over sth
take your time doing to do sth sth
talk about…
talk at cross purposes
talk big
talk dirty
talk etc. nineteen to the dozen
talking of sb
talking of sb/sth
talking of sth
talk of the devil
talk sb’s ear off
talk shop
talk some sense into sb
talk tell it to the hand (because the face ain’t listening)
talk tell it to the hand ’cos the face ain’t listening)
talk the a different language
talk the hind legoff a donkey
talk the hind leg(s) off a donkey
talk the hind legs off a donkey
talk the same different language
talk through the back of your head
talk through your hat
talk to a brick wall
talk to it to the hand (because the face ain’t listening)
talk to it to the hand ’cos the face ain’t listening)
talk to/tell it to the hand (because/’cos the face ain’t listening)
talk tough
talk tough (on sth)
talk tough on sth
talk turkey
talk your head off
talk your way out of out of doing sth
talk your way out of sth of doing sth
talk your way out of sth/out of doing sth
tall oaks from little acorns grow
tar sb/sth with the same brush
tar sb with the same brush
tar sth with the same brush
teach sb
teach sb a lesson
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