

词组 parole
释义 parole


ADJECTIVE | VERB + PAROLE | PAROLE + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEearly 提早假释VERB + PAROLEbe on 假释出狱give sb, grant sb 给予某人假释get 获得假释She got parole.她得到了假释。let sb out on, release sb on 让某人假释出狱She was released on parole after serving just half of her sentence.她的刑期只服了一半就获准假释出狱了。break, violate 违反假释条例He broke (his) parole.他违背了假释条例。be eligible for, be up for, come up for 符合假释条件Her case comes up for parole in September.她的案子到 9 月符合假释条件。PAROLE + NOUNboard, system 假释裁决委员会/制度officer 假释官hearing 假释听证会violation 违反假释条例PREPOSITIONon parole 在假释期间He committed a burglary while on parole.在假释期间他犯了盗窃罪。with parole 在获得假释的情况下With parole, he could be out in two years.若能获假释,他两年后就可以出狱。without parole 没有假释sentenced to life imprisonment without parole被判终身监禁,不得假释




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