

词组 born
释义 born


be born ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBprematurely 早产PREPOSITIONinto 生于⋯之家She was born into a wealthy family.她生在有钱人家。of (formal) 生于⋯to be born of noble parents生于贵族之家to ⋯所生babies who are born to very young mothers非常年轻的妈妈生的孩子with 与生俱来Their child was born with a serious medical problem.他们的孩子生来就有严重的疾病。PHRASESbe born alive, be born dead 生下来时是活的/死的be born and bred, be born and brought up (especially BrE) , be born and raised (especially NAmE) 出生并被养育I was born and bred in Texas.我生于得克萨斯,长于得克萨斯。be born blind, deaf, etc. 先天盲、先天聋等be born out of wedlock, be born outside marriage (especially BrE) , be born outside of marriage (especially NAmE) 非婚生




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