

词组 bottle
释义 bottle


ADJECTIVE | VERB + BOTTLE | BOTTLE + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEfull 盛满东西的瓶子empty 空瓶子broken 破裂的瓶子recyclable, returnable 可回收的瓶子beer, medicine, milk, etc. 啤酒瓶、药瓶、牛奶瓶等glass, plastic 玻璃瓶;塑料瓶hot-water 热水瓶feeding 奶瓶Thermos (usually just Thermos) (NAmE) 膳魔师暖水瓶VERB + BOTTLEfill 灌入瓶子She filled the bottle with water.她给瓶子里灌了水。empty 倒空瓶子open, uncork 打开瓶子;拔去瓶塞break open, crack open (both used only about alcoholic drinks 均仅用于酒精饮品) 打开/啪的一声打开酒瓶Let's crack open a bottle of champagne to celebrate.我们开瓶香槟庆祝一下吧!drink, have, wash sth down with 喝酒;就着酒大吃⋯We washed the food down with a bottle of cheap red wine.我们就着一瓶便宜的红酒干掉了这些吃的。share 分着喝酒bring (= to bring a bottle of wine to a party) 带酒参加聚会throw 扔瓶子a crowd of youths throwing bottles and stones一群扔瓶子和石头的年轻人BOTTLE + NOUNcap, top 瓶盖opener 开瓶器bank (BrE) 空瓶回收站feeding 用奶瓶喂养PREPOSITIONover a/the bottle 边喝边⋯We discussed the problem over a bottle of wine.我们一边喝葡萄酒,一边讨论那个问题。bottle of 一瓶⋯PHRASESbe on the bottle (= to be an alcoholic) 酗酒hit the bottle, take to the bottle (especially BrE) (= to start drinking alcohol heavily) 开始酗酒




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