

词组 bother
释义 bother


VERB + BOTHER | PREPOSITION | PHRASES VERB + BOTHERhave (especially BrE) 有麻烦I had a little bother finding your house.找到你家我可费了点儿事。cause, give sb (both especially BrE) 引起/带给某人麻烦Your little boy didn't give me any bother.你的小儿子没有给我带来任何麻烦。go to 找麻烦I wouldn't go to the bother of making the cakes myself.我不会找麻烦自己做蛋糕的。put sb to (BrE) 给某人带来麻烦I'd love to come and stay with you, but I don't want to put you to any bother.我想来跟你待在一起,但我不想给你添乱。save sb 省去某人的麻烦Getting a taxi will save you the bother of picking me up from the station.我打个车,你就不用费事到车站接我了。PREPOSITIONwithout any bother (especially BrE) 一点儿麻烦也没有We found the hotel without any bother.我们毫不费力就找到了旅馆。bother to 对⋯来说麻烦I don't mind taking care of your dog-it's no bother to me.我不介意照看你的狗,这对我来说一点儿也不麻烦。bother with ⋯有麻烦He's having a little bother with his computer.他的电脑出了点儿毛病。PHRASESa bit of bother, a little bother, a lot of bother, a spot of bother (all especially BrE) 一点儿麻烦;很大的麻烦;麻烦处He's in a bit of bother with the police.他跟警方有点儿麻烦。no bother 不麻烦It was no bother having the children to stay.让孩子们留下来一点儿也不麻烦。




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