

词组 father
释义 father


ADJECTIVE | VERB + FATHER | FATHER + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVElone (especially BrE) , single 单身父亲As a single father, he found it a struggle bringing up three children.作为一名单身父亲,他发现带大 3 个孩子真不容易。married, unmarried 已婚的/未婚的父亲a married father of two有两个孩子的已婚父亲divorced 离婚的父亲widowed 鳏居的父亲absent, absentee, estranged 缺席的父亲(很少和孩子沟通);与孩子疏远的父亲long-lost 长年失散的父亲Ryan has gone looking for his long-lost father.瑞安去寻找失散多年的父亲了。biological, natural, real, true 生父;真正的父亲adoptive, foster 养父second, surrogate 第二个/替身父亲I always thought of you as a second father.我总是想起你,觉得你就像我的父亲。Elena's brother was a surrogate father to her kids after her husband died.自从埃琳娜的丈夫死后,她的哥哥就担当了孩子们的父亲。expectant 即将做父亲的人He paced like an expectant father.他像一个即将做父亲的人那样(紧张地)踱着步。new 新父亲Meet your new father.见见你的新父亲。The new father took his son into his arms.这位新爸爸将儿子抱在怀中。doting, proud 宠爱孩子的/自豪的父亲He has just become the proud father of a baby girl.女儿的降生使他觉得非常自豪。young 年轻的父亲ageing/aging, elderly, old 衰老的/上年纪的/年迈的父亲ailing, dying, sick 患病的/奄奄一息的/生病的父亲He has an ailing father and two younger brothers to support.他要养活生病的父亲和两个弟弟。dead, deceased, late 过世的父亲;先父grieving 悲痛的父亲the grieving father of two children lost at sea因两个孩子在海上遇难而悲痛的父亲caring, devoted, good, great, loving, responsible, wonderful 关心人的/一切为了孩子的/很好的/伟大的/慈爱的/有责任心的/了不起的父亲He is very good with children and would make a devoted father.他对孩子很好,会是一位尽责的父亲。He was a wonderful father to her.在她看来,他是一位了不起的父亲。beloved, dear 敬爱的/亲爱的父亲She kept the books that had belonged to her beloved father.她一直保留着她所深爱的父亲的书。bad 坏父亲He was both a bad husband and a bad father.他既是一位坏丈夫,又是一位坏父亲。distant 冷漠的父亲He had a domineering mother and a cold, distant father.他有一位专横跋扈的母亲和一位冷漠无情的父亲。domineering, overbearing, overprotective, strict 专横跋扈的/盛气凌人的/过于袒护孩子的/严厉的父亲abusive, alcoholic, drunken, violent 打骂孩子的/酗酒的/醉熏熏的/粗暴的父亲famous 著名的父亲He followed the footsteps of his famous father into the film industry.他追随大名鼎鼎的父亲,从事电影事业。doctor, engineer, immigrant, etc. 身为医生、工程师、移民等的父亲Their musician father encouraged their love of music.他们做音乐家的父亲鼓励他们热爱音乐。VERB + FATHERresemble, take after 长得像父亲The two boys were like their mother in character, but Louise took after her father.两个男孩子性格像母亲,但路易丝像父亲。follow, succeed 跟随父亲的职业;继承父业She followed her father into the legal profession.她跟父亲一样从事法律工作。He succeeded his father as Professor of Botany.他和父亲一样,成为了植物学教授。inherit sth from ⋯遗传自父亲She inherited the urge to travel from her father.她热爱旅行是从父亲那里遗传来的。honour/honor, love, obey, respect 尊重/爱戴/服从/尊敬父亲Try your best to honor your father.尽量尊重你的父亲。lose 丧父I lost my father when I was nine.我 9 岁时父亲去世了。bury 埋葬父亲I buried my father, and mourned his death.我埋葬了父亲,为父亲的离世哀伤不已。FATHER + NOUNfigure 父亲般的人Some of his students regard him as a father figure.他的一些学生把他看成父亲。PHRASESa father of two, etc. 两个等孩子的父亲Smith, a father of two, was arrested on charges of theft.两个孩子的父亲史密斯因为偷窃而被捕。father to sb 某人的父亲Jesse is now married and father to a young son.杰西现已结婚,而且已有了一个年幼的儿子。follow in your father's footsteps 继承父业He followed in his father's footsteps and became a motor mechanic.他追随父亲成了汽车修理工。from father to son 从父亲到儿子The land passes on from father to son.这块地由父亲传给了儿子。the death of your father, the loss of your father 父亲的过世




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