

词组 challenge
释义 challenge


2call for sb to fight, prove sth, etc. 挑战;质疑ADJECTIVE | VERB + CHALLENGE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEeffective, serious, strong 有力的质询;严重的质疑direct 直接的质疑constitutional, legal 合乎宪法的/合法的质询leadership, title 对领导地位的挑战;称号/锦标挑战赛his title challenge to the heavyweight champion他向重量级冠军发起挑战的比赛VERB + CHALLENGEbe, constitute, present, represent 质问;提出质询;表示质疑The demonstration represents a direct challenge to the new law.这次示威是对新法律的直接质疑。file (especially NAmE) , issue, mount, raise 提出质疑;发起挑战plans to mount a leadership challenge within the party在党内挑战领导地位的计划accept, take up 接受挑战I accepted his challenge to a game of chess.我接受他的挑战,与他下一盘棋。answer 回应质疑He was answering challenges to the government's policy.他在回应对政府政策的质询。beat off, fight off 击退/击败挑战Our team will have to fight off the challenge from better trained teams.我们必须打败比我们更训练有素的队伍的挑战。survive, withstand 承受住/经受住挑战PREPOSITIONchallenge from ⋯发出的挑战a challenge from the other political party另外一个政党发出的挑战challenge to 对⋯的质疑a legal challenge to the President's power对总统权力的合法质询




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