

词组 change
释义 change


1becoming/making sb/sth different 变得不同;使变得不同ADJECTIVE | VERB + CHANGE | CHANGE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, considerable, dramatic, drastic, enormous, extensive, far-reaching, fundamental, important, major, marked, massive, momentous, noticeable, profound, radical, revolutionary, sea, significant, substantial, sweeping 很大的变化;相当大的变化;令人吃惊的变化;急剧的变化;巨大的变化;广泛的变化;具有深远意义的转变;根本的转变;重要的转变;显著的转变;革命性的转变;翻天覆地的变化;彻底的变化;大规模的变化I need to make some drastic changes in my life.我需要好好改变一下自己的生活。Television has undergone a sea change in the last two years.过去两年里电视发生了巨大的变化。These reforms have brought about significant changes in the overall economy.这些改革给整个经济带来了重大的变化。The report called for sweeping changes to the health system.该报告呼吁全面改革医疗卫生制度。complete, wholesale 完全的/全面的转变irreversible 不可逆转的改变systematic 系统性的改变cosmetic, marginal, minimal, minor, slight, small, subtle 表面的改变;不重要的变化;最小的变化;微小的变化;细微的变化lasting, long-term, permanent 长久的/长期的/永久的变化short-term 短期的变化abrupt, rapid, sudden 突然的变化;飞快的转变gradual 逐渐的变化seasonal 季节性变化net, overall 净额变动;整体变化net change in incomes收入净额变化global 总变化qualitative, quantitative 质变;量变beneficial, desirable, effective, exciting, nice, pleasant, positive, refreshing, welcome 有益的变化;称心的变化;显著的变化;令人兴奋的变化;令人高兴的变化;积极的变化;使人耳目一新的变化;受欢迎的转变The manual work made a welcome change from his previous job as a telephone operator.相对于他先前电话接线员的工作而言,干体力活儿是个可喜的变化。unwelcome 不受欢迎的转变unanticipated, unexpected, unforeseen 出乎意料的/未料到的/意外的变化climate, constitutional, cultural, demographic, economic, environmental, evolutionary, legislative, organizational, political, population, social, structural, technological, temperature 气候的变化;宪法的改动;文化变迁;人口方面的变化;经济变化;环境的变化;渐进性的变化;立法的变革;组织上的变革;政治变革;人口的变化;社会变迁;结构改变;技术变革;温度的变化These policies are designed to combat the effects of climate change.这些政策旨在应对气候变化的影响。career, culture, gear, lifestyle, name, personality, policy, regime, rule, sex 职业变动;文化变革;换挡;生活方式的改变;改名;性格改变;政策改变;政权更迭;规则变化;变性the need for a culture change within the industry该行业文化变革的需要He made a rapid gear change as he approached the bend.快到转弯处时,他急速换挡。VERB + CHANGEmake 做改动I made a couple of minor changes to my opening paragraph.我对开头那段做了几处小小的改动。It made a pleasant change not having to work.难得不用工作,真好。bring about, cause, effect, force, induce, produce, trigger 导致/引起/造成/迫使/诱发/产生/引发变化How far does war bring about social change?战争在多大程度上导致社会变化?implement, initiate, institute, introduce 实施变革;着手改变We are going to introduce a few changes to the system.我们将对这个系统进行几处修改。undergo 经历变化show 显示转变He needs to show a change in attitude if he is to succeed.他要成功就必须表现出态度上的转变。reflect 反映变化Courses offered in schools reflect changes in the job market.学校开设的课程反映出就业市场的变化。document, measure, monitor 记录/探查/监测变化The research will measure any changes in the children's sleep patterns.该研究将探查儿童睡眠模式可能出现的各种变化。call for, demand 要求变化;需要改变He called for a change of mood in Scottish politics.他呼吁改变苏格兰的政治气氛。detect, note, notice, observe, see 发现/留意/注意到/观察/看到变化I've seen many changes since I started farming.自从开始务农以来,我看到了很多变化。oppose, resist 反对变化;抗拒改变We resist change because of fear of the unknown.我们抗拒变革是因为对未知的恐惧。embrace 接受改变Young people are more willing to embrace change.年轻人比较乐意接受变革。accommodate, adapt to 顺应/适应变化Businesses have to adapt to change.做生意得适应变化。prevent 防止改变be subject to 依变化而定Train times are subject to change without notice.火车时间可能随时变动,不再预先通告。CHANGE + VERBcome, happen, occur, take place 变化出现;变化发生Major economic changes have occurred recently.最近发生了一些重大经济变化。affect (sb/sth) 变化影响(⋯)result in sth 变化导致⋯PREPOSITIONfor a change 变化一下I usually take the bus to school, but today I walked for a change.我通常坐公共汽车去上学,但今天我换了一个方式,步行去的。change in 在⋯方面变化The last few years have seen a change in attitudes to single parents.最近几年人们对单身父母的态度有所改变。change of ⋯的变化a change of government政府的更换change from, change to 从⋯变化;改变为⋯the change from the old to the new system从旧体制到新体制的转变PHRASESa change for the better, a change for the worse 好转/更坏I reckon we've all made a big change for the better.我认为我们大家都向好的方面大大转变了。a change of clothes (= an extra set of clothes to change into) 换洗衣服Take a change of clothes in case you get dirty.带上一身换洗衣服以防衣服穿脏了。a change of heart, a change of mind 改变主意He said he's not coming, but he might have a change of heart.他说他不会来,但他或许会改变主意。a change of scene (BrE) , a change of scenery 换换环境I needed a change of scene / scenery after being in the job for so long.这个工作干了这么久,我需要换个地儿了。a climate of change 变革的气候In the current climate of change, adaptability is vital.在当前变革的大气候中,适应能力是至关重要的。the pace of change, the rate of change 变化的步伐/速度A successful company must keep up with the pace of technological change.一家成功的公司必须得跟上技术变革的步伐。a period of change 变化期The eighties were a period of great change in publishing.80 年代是出版业经历巨大转变的一个时期。the tide of change, the winds of change 变化的潮流/趋势The president realized he could not hold back the tide of change, and resigned.总裁意识到自己无力阻止变革的浪潮,辞职了。




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