

词组 factor
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ADJECTIVE | VERB + FACTOR | FACTOR + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, important, main, major, relevant, significant 极大的/重要/重大/主要/相关/意义重大的因素one of the most significant factors最重要的因素之一critical, crucial, deciding, decisive, determining, key, vital 极为重要的/至关重要的/起决定作用的/决定性的/使人作出抉择的/关键的/极其紧要的因素This is regarded as the crucial factor in deciding who should get priority.这被当成是决定谁有优先权的关键因素。Money proved to be the deciding factor.钱被证明是决定因素。contributing, contributory 促成因素Poor organization was certainly a contributory factor to the crisis.组织不善肯定是导致危机的因素之一。complicating 把⋯复杂化的因素A complicating factor is her parents' refusal to cooperate with the police.她的父母拒不与警方合作,这使情况变复杂了。limiting 限制因素mitigating 可使罪行减轻的因素The appeal judges spoke of strong mitigating factors in the case.上诉法官谈到了本案中一些明显可从轻处置的因素。aggravating 使恶化的因素additional 附加因素single 唯一的因素The closure of the mine was the single most important factor in the town's decline.矿井的关闭是这个镇衰败的唯一最重要的因素。common 共通的因素Look for the common factor in all these cases.寻找所有这些情况的共通点。external, extraneous, extrinsic 外部因素;外在因素External factors in the production of disease include pollution of the environment.引起疾病的外部因素包括环境污染。internal, intrinsic 内部/内在因素causal, causative 成因risk 危险因素Studies have established that smoking is a risk factor for cancer.研究表明吸烟有致癌的风险。contextual, demographic, economic, environmental, genetic, political, psychological, situational, social 上下文/人口统计/经济/环境/遗传/政治/心理/情景/社会因素human 人的因素The human factor is crucial to success in team management.人的因素对团队的成功管理至关重要。VERB + FACTORconsider, take into account 考虑⋯的因素A variety of other factors will be taken into account.其他各种各样的因素都将考虑到。identify 确定因素depend on 取决于⋯因素FACTOR + VERBbe involved, operate 因素起作用the contextual factors which operate to hinder understanding妨碍理解的上下文因素affect sth, be responsible for sth, cause sth, contribute to sth, determine sth, influence sth, predispose sb/sth to sth 因素改变⋯/造成⋯/导致⋯/促成⋯/决定⋯/影响到⋯/使⋯易患⋯environmental factors which predispose children to middle-ear infections易造成儿童感染中耳炎的环境因素explain sth 因素说明⋯constrain sth, inhibit sth, militate against sth 因素制约⋯/阻碍⋯/妨碍⋯one of the factors that influenced his decision影响他作出决定的因素之一interact 因素相互作用We examine how economic and social factors interact.我们考察经济和社会因素如何相互起作用。include sth 因素包括⋯be at play 因素在起作用There are several factors at play here.这里有好几个因素在起作用。PREPOSITIONfactor behind ⋯背后的因素the main factors behind the dollar's weakness造成美元疲软的主要因素factor in ⋯中的因素a key factor in the decision作出这一决定的一个关键因素PHRASESa combination, number, variety, etc. of factors 一系列因素、若干因素、各种各样的因素等The outcome will depend on a number of factors.结果将取决于若干因素。




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