

词组 ship
释义 ship


ADJECTIVE | ... OF SHIPS | VERB + SHIP | SHIP + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcruise, sailing 游轮;帆船cargo, container, factory, hospital, supply, transport, whaling 货船;集装箱船;捕鱼加工船;医务船;补给船;运输船;捕鲸船a factory ship that is equipped for freezing and canning配备冷冻和装罐设备的渔业加工船civilian, commercial (especially NAmE) , merchant, passenger 民用船只;商船;客船military, naval, navy, troop 军舰;海军军舰;运兵船enemy 敌舰amphibious, landing, surface 水陆两用舰;登陆舰;水面舰艇missiles from surface ships由水面舰艇发射的导弹ocean-going 远洋船wooden 木船passing 经过的船只The crew was rescued by a passing ship.船员们被一艘经过的船只营救了。pirate, slave 海盗船;运奴船an 18th-century slave ship18 世纪贩运奴隶的船只... OF SHIPSfleet 一支船队VERB + SHIPboard, come aboard, come on board, go aboard, go on board 登船;上船be aboard, be on board 在船上sail 开船manoeuvre/maneuver, pilot, steer 驾船moor 泊船The ship is now permanently moored in Buenos Aires.这只船如今永久停泊在布宜诺斯艾利斯。command 掌控船只build, launch 造船;使船下水load, unload 装船;卸船The ship had already been unloaded.船上的货已经卸完。load sth onto, unload sth from 把⋯装上船;把⋯卸下船The dockers were loading the cargo onto the ship.码头工人正往船上装货。christen, name 为船命名abandon 弃船The captain gave the order to abandon ship.船长下令弃船。go down with 与船一起沉没The captain went down with his ship.船长随船一起沉入了大海。scuttle, sink, torpedo 凿沉船只;使船沉没;用鱼雷袭击船只attack, damage, destroy 攻击/毁坏/摧毁船只jump 未经允许离船Some of the crew jumped ship (= left it illegally) and disappeared.一些船员擅自离船不见了踪影。SHIP + VERBcarry sb/sth 船运载⋯a ship carrying more than a thousand people搭载一千多人的客船arrive, dock 船到达;船入港anchor 船停泊The ship anchored in the bay.那只船在海湾停泊。be at anchor, lie at anchor 船停泊Their ship lay at anchor in the bay.他们的船在海湾停泊。depart, go, leave, put out to sea, put to sea, sail, set sail 船离港;船出发;船出海;船起航be wrecked, run aground 船失事;船搁浅capsize 船倾覆go down, sink 船下沉;船沉没collide with sth, hit sth 船撞上⋯be equipped for/with sth 船上备有⋯PREPOSITIONaboard a/the ship, on a/the ship, on board a/the ship 在船上They are now on a ship bound for New York.现在他们正在驶往纽约的船上。by ship 由船只There was no time to send the goods by ship.这些货物来不及船运了。ship bound for, ship for, ship to 驶往⋯的船PHRASESthe bow of a ship, the deck of a ship, the stern of a ship 船头;船甲板;船尾the captain of a ship, the crew of a ship 船长;船员




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