

词组 screen
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2films/movies or television in general 电影;电视ADJECTIVE | VERB + SCREEN | SCREEN + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcinema (especially BrE) , movie (especially NAmE) 电影屏幕big, small 大屏幕(电影);小屏幕(电视)big-screen entertainment (= at the cinema) 电影娱乐She appears regularly on the small screen (= on television).她频频在电视荧屏上出现。silver (= the film/movie industry) (old-fashioned) 银幕VERB + SCREENappear on, grace 出现在屏幕上;为屏幕增色the greatest comic actor ever to grace a movie screen给银幕添彩的最伟大的喜剧演员bring sth to 使⋯上屏幕Henry James's novel was brought to the screen by director James Ivory.亨利・詹姆斯的小说由导演詹姆斯・艾沃里搬上银幕。share 共同上银幕/荧屏She shares the screen with Nicole Kidman.她和妮科尔・基德曼联袂出演。SCREEN + NOUNadaptation, version 电影/电视改编剧本Neil Simon's screen adaptation of his hit stage play尼尔・西蒙风靡一时的舞台剧的电影改编剧本actor, beauty (especially BrE) , legend, star 影视演员;银幕美女;银幕传奇影视明星The film features screen legends James Stewart and Grace Kelly.这部影片由银幕传奇人物詹姆斯・史都华和格蕾丝・凯利主演。persona 银幕/荧屏形象Bogart's screen persona as a cynical anti-hero鲍嘉塑造的愤世嫉俗的反派人物形象presence 在电影/电视中出演appearance 银幕/荧屏亮相Marilyn Monroe's first screen appearance玛丽莲・梦露的首次银幕亮相time 出镜时间De Niro is only given a few minutes of screen time.只给了德尼罗几分钟的镜头。test 试镜头debut 首次亮相银幕/荧屏career 银幕/荧屏生涯PREPOSITIONoff screen 银幕/荧屏之外They play deadly rivals in the show but they are good friends off screen.他们在节目中是死敌,但在荧屏外却是好朋友。on (the) screen 在银幕上;在荧屏上She is remembered mainly for her performances on screen.她主要凭借自己在荧屏上的表演让人们铭记。PHRASESstage and screen 演艺界stars of stage and screen演艺界明星




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