

词组 wait
释义 wait


ADJECTIVE | VERB + WAIT | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEendless, lengthy, long 无尽的等待;长时间的等候We had a long wait to see the doctor.为了看医生我们等了很长时间。short 短时间的等待agonizing, anxious, nail-biting, nerve-racking, nervous, worrying (all especially BrE) 痛苦的等待;焦急的等候;紧张的等待frustrating 令人沮丧的等待boring, tedious 无聊的等待;令人厌烦的等候two-hour, one-month, three-year, etc. 两小时、一个月、三年等的等候VERB + WAITface (especially BrE) , have 面对等候;等待The accused faces an agonizing wait while the jury considers its verdict.陪审团作裁断期间,被告面临痛苦的等待。PREPOSITIONwait for 等候a short wait for an ambulance等了一会儿救护车PHRASESbe worth the wait 值得等待The dress was so beautiful when it arrived that it was well worth the wait.送到的连衣裙实在是太漂亮了,等待完全值得。




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