

词组 walk
释义 walk


ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBbriskly, fast, quickly, swiftly 轻快地走;快速地走;飞快地走slowly 慢慢地走calmly, quietly 沉着地走;悄悄地走I got up and walked calmly out into the early evening.傍晚时分我起身平静地走了出去。cautiously 小心翼翼地走barefoot 光着脚走She had no sandals and walked barefoot.她没穿凉鞋,光着脚走。upright 直立行走humans' ability to walk upright人类直立行走的能力arm in arm, hand in hand 臂挽臂地走;手拉手地走The couple walked hand in hand along the beach.这对夫妇手拉手沿海滩漫步。with a limp 跛行unaided 独立行走Due to his illness, he can no longer walk unaided.由于生病,他不能再独立行走了。with a cane (especially NAmE) , with a stick (especially BrE) 拄拐杖行走home 走回家He walked home from school.他从学校走回了家。downstairs, upstairs 走下楼;走上楼offstage, onstage 走下台;走上台When she walked onstage, the audience started screaming.当她走上台时观众开始尖叫起来。ahead, around, away, back, backwards/backward, forward, in, off, on, out, together 走在前面;四处走;走开;走回去;后退;往前走;走进去;继续走;走出去;一起走Jake was walking some way ahead.杰克正在前面不远处走着。PREPOSITIONalong, down, into, out of, to, towards/toward, up, etc. 沿⋯走、往下走、走进⋯、从⋯走出来、往⋯走、走向⋯、沿着⋯向上走等She walked up the drive towards / toward the door.她沿着私人车道向门口走去。PHRASESgo walking (especially BrE) 徒步旅行We went walking by the waterfront.我们沿着湖滨散步。




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