

词组 accident
释义 accident


2sth not planned in advance 出乎意料之事ADJECTIVE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEmere, pure, sheer 纯属意外;纯属偶然By pure accident he had come across the very man who could solve the mystery.他碰巧遇到了那个能够解开这一谜团的人。happy 意外的惊喜historical 历史的偶然PREPOSITIONby accident 偶然We met by accident at the airport.我们在机场偶然相遇。PHRASESan accident of birth (especially BrE) 出生的偶然an accident of history 历史的偶然It's just an accident of history that the city became part of the Soviet Union.这座城市归属苏联纯属历史的偶然。be no accident that... ⋯绝非偶然It is no accident that men fill most of the top jobs.大多数高级职位都由男性担任绝非偶然。by accident or design 出于偶然或是预先计划It happened, whether by accident or design, that Steve and I were the last two people to leave.不知是偶然还是事先安排,史蒂夫和我是最后离开的两个人。




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