

词组 sprint
释义 sprint


ADJECTIVE | VERB + SPRINT | SPRINT + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEquick, short 飞奔;短跑final 最后冲刺100-metre/100-meter, 40-yard, etc. * 100 米跑、40 码跑等VERB + SPRINTbreak into, make 开始冲刺;飞跑The runners broke into a sprint a hundred yards from the finish.赛跑选手们在离终点 100 码的地方开始冲刺。It started raining, so we made a sprint for a cafe.开始下雨了,我们快速跑向一家咖啡馆。SPRINT + NOUNrace 短跑比赛relay 短跑接力Jamaica won the gold in the sprint relay.牙买加队在短跑接力中赢得金牌。finish 最后冲刺Sato just pipped the Kenyan runner in a sprint finish.萨托在最后冲刺时才险胜肯尼亚选手。champion 短跑冠军Olympic sprint champion Marion Jones奥林匹克短跑冠军玛丽昂・琼斯hurdles (BrE) 短距离跨栏PREPOSITIONin a sprint 在短距离赛中This car could comfortably outpace its rivals in a sprint.这辆车在短距离赛中能够轻松超过对手。sprint for 向⋯的冲刺The Moroccan came out best in a frantic sprint for the line.在向终点线的疯狂冲刺中摩洛哥运动员胜出。




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