

词组 palm
释义 palm


1flat part of the front of your hand 手掌ADJECTIVE | VERB + PALM | PALM + VERB | PALM + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEsoft 柔软的手掌sweaty 汗津津的手掌warm 温暖的手掌flat, open 张开的手掌;摊开的手心upturned 朝上的手掌outstretched 张开的手掌left, right 左掌;右掌VERB + PALMhold up, raise 举起/抬起手掌He held up a palm for silence.他举起手掌示意安静。extend 伸出手掌open, spread 打开/展开手掌He spread his palms in a gesture of openness.他展开手掌,以示坦诚。cup 捧起手掌He cupped his empty palms together.他捧起空空的双手。lay, place, put, rest 把手掌放在He went over to the wall and placed his palm on it.他走到墙边,用手掌撑墙。press 按手掌I pressed my palm to the wound to stop the bleeding.我将手掌压在伤口上止血。slam, slap 拍击手掌She slapped her palm against the desk in anger.她生气地用手拍击桌子。rub, wipe 搓手掌;擦手掌He rubbed his palms against his jeans.他在牛仔裤上擦了擦手掌。run 用手掌摸He ran his palm up and down Holly's shoulder.他把手放在霍利的肩膀上来回摸。read 看手相She read people's palms and told fortunes.她给人看手相算命。PALM + VERBsweat 手心出汗face 手心面向Hold out your arms with your palms facing down.伸出双臂,手心向下。rest 手放在His right palm was resting against my neck.他把右手放在我的脖子上。PALM + NOUNreader, reading 看手相者;看手相print 手掌印PREPOSITIONagainst your palms 紧贴着手掌The metal felt hot against my palms.我感觉掌心的金属很热。between your palms 在手掌之间He took her hand between his palms and squeezed it.他双手紧紧握住她的手捏了一捏。in your palm 在手心里He showed me the coins in his palm.他给我看他手心里的硬币。




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