

词组 painter
释义 painter


2artist who paints pictures 画家ADJECTIVEcelebrated, distinguished, famous, great, leading, master, renowned, well-known 著名的画家;杰出的画家;伟大的画家;绘画大师some of the great painters of the last century上个世纪一些伟大的画家the Dutch master painter Jan Vermeer荷兰绘画大师扬・弗美尔accomplished, good, talented 有成就的/优秀的/有才华的画家successful 成功的画家amateur, professional 业余/职业画家self-taught 自学成才的画家contemporary, modern, modernist 当代/现代/现代派画家an exhibition of works by contemporary painters当代画家作品展16th-century, etc. * 16 世纪等的画家court 宫廷画家Rudolf II's court painter鲁道夫二世的宫廷画家oil, watercolour/watercolor (especially BrE) 油画/水彩画画家abstract, animal (especially BrE) , figurative, fresco (especially BrE) , genre, landscape, miniature, portrait, realist, still-life 抽象派/动物/具象/湿壁画/风俗/风景/微型画/肖像画/现实主义/静物画家Cubist, Impressionist, Romantic, etc. 立体派、印象派、浪漫派等画家 note at job




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