

词组 painting
释义 painting


2picture 图画ADJECTIVE | ... OF PAINTINGS | VERB + PAINTING | PAINTING + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbeautiful, fine, good, great 美丽的/精美的/好看的/绝妙的画famous, well-known 名画valuable 珍贵的画original 原作The design is based on an original painting by Matisse.这个设计以马蒂斯的一幅原作为基础。early, late 早期/晚期画作His early paintings were light, expressive compositions.他的早期绘画色彩柔和,富有表现力。recent 近期的画作miniature 微型画Cubist, Impressionist, etc. 立体派、印象派等画作avant-garde 先锋派画作contemporary 当代绘画17th-century, etc. * 17 世纪等的绘画abstract, decorative, figurative, figure, genre, landscape, religious, still-life, surrealist 抽象画;装饰画;具象画;人物画;风俗画;风景画;宗教画;静物画;超现实主义画作cave, ceiling, fresco, mural, wall 洞穴壁画;天花板画作;壁画acrylic, oil, watercolour/watercolor 丙烯颜料画;油画;水彩画monochrome 单色画colourful/colorful 彩色画large, large-scale 巨型画small 小幅画easel 画架上的绘画untitled 无标题画finished, unfinished 完成的/未完成的画作framed 镶框的画... OF PAINTINGSseries 一系列画作collection, exhibition 一批画作;一次画展VERB + PAINTINGcreate, do, execute, make, paint, produce, work on 作画;绘画Degas did several paintings of ballet dancers.德加画过几张芭蕾舞演员的画。compose 为一幅画构图complete, finish 完成绘画frame 给画镶框hang, put up 悬挂绘画作品display, exhibit, present, show 展出画作;展示画作view 观看画作collect 收藏绘画作品She collects paintings by 19th-century Australian artists.她收藏 19 世纪澳大利亚艺术家的绘画作品。clean, restore 清洁/修复画作copy, reproduce 复制画作commission 委托作画buy, purchase, sell 购买画作;销售画作donate 捐赠画作admire 欣赏绘画PAINTING + VERBdepict sb/sth, feature sb/sth, portray sb/sth, show sb/sth 画作描绘⋯;画作表现⋯evoke sth 绘画唤起⋯Rauch's paintings evoke memories of a bygone era.劳赫的绘画唤起了人们对过去时代的回忆。reflect sth, represent sth, reveal sth, suggest sth 画作反映⋯/表现⋯/揭示⋯/令人想到⋯His paintings reflect the joy and beauty in all he saw around him.他的画反映了他所看到的身边的乐与美。hang 画作展出His most famous paintings hang in the Louvre.他最著名的画作在卢浮宫展出。PREPOSITIONin a/the painting 在画中The woman in the painting is the artist's mistress.画中的那个女人是画家的情人。painting by ⋯作的画a painting by Gauguin高更的画作painting in 用⋯画的画a fine painting in oils精美的油画painting of 描绘⋯的画paintings of flowers花卉画 note at art




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