

词组 environment
释义 environment


2the environment the natural world 自然环境ADJECTIVE | VERB + THE ENVIRONMENT | ENVIRONMENT + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEnatural 自然环境global, world 全球/世界环境local 当地环境VERB + THE ENVIRONMENTpreserve, protect, safeguard, save 保护环境The government should do more to protect the environment.政府必须采取更多措施来保护环境。clean up, improve 清理/改善环境affect, have an impact on, impact (NAmE) 影响环境;对环境产生影响factors that have a huge impact on the environment对环境有重大影响的因素damage, harm, pollute 破坏/损害/污染环境industries which damage the environment破坏环境的产业threaten 对环境构成威胁ENVIRONMENT + NOUNagency, committee, department, group (all especially BrE) 环保机构/委员会/部门/组织chief (BrE) , minister (especially BrE) 环保机构负责人/部长spokesman, spokeswoman (both BrE) 环保发言人correspondent, editor (both BrE) 环境新闻记者;环保栏目编辑policy (especially BrE) 环保政策protection (especially BrE) 环境保护issues 环境问题PREPOSITIONin the environment 在环境中the amount of carbon in the environment环境中的碳含量PHRASESconservation of the environment, protection of the environment 环境保护damage to the environment 对环境的破坏farming methods that minimize damage to the environment把对环境的破坏减至最低的耕作方法harmful to the environment 对环境有害The label identifies the products that are least harmful to the environment.这个标签标示出对环境危害最小的产品。pollution of the environment 环境污染




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