

词组 child
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ADJECTIVE | VERB + CHILD | CHILD + VERB | CHILD + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVElittle, small, young 小孩My father died while I was still a small child.我还是个小孩子的时候父亲就去世了。newborn 新生儿teenage 十几岁的孩子We have three teenage children.我们有 3 个十来岁的孩子。preschool, school-aged 学龄前/学龄儿童adult, grown (especially NAmE) , grown-up (especially BrE) 成年的孩子good, obedient, well-behaved 好孩子;听话的孩子;规矩的孩子aggressive, delinquent, difficult, disobedient, fractious, mischievous, naughty, problem, sulky, unruly, wayward, wilful/willful 攻击性强的孩子;失足少年;难管教的孩子;不听话的孩子;脾气急躁的孩子;淘气的孩子;调皮的孩子;问题儿童;爱生闷气的孩子;不守规矩的孩子;倔强的孩子;任性的孩子He's always been a problem child.他一直是个问题儿童。The children were quite unruly and ran around the house as if they owned it.孩子们很不守规矩,在房子里跑来跑去,像是在自己家里一样。bright, gifted, intelligent, precocious 聪明的/有天分的/聪颖的/早熟的孩子a school for gifted children天才儿童学校What a precocious child-reading Jane Austen at the age of ten!这孩子真是早慧 -10 岁就读简・奥斯丁的作品!dull, slow 呆傻的/迟钝的孩子Teaching is particularly difficult when a class contains both slow and bright children.要是一个班里既有迟钝的孩子又有聪明的孩子,教起来就特别难。abandoned, abused, at-risk, maltreated, neglected 被遗弃的孩子;受虐待的孩子;有危险的孩子;无人照管的孩子therapy for sexually abused children对遭受性虐待的孩子的治疗disadvantaged, needy, starving, underprivileged 生活条件差的孩子;贫困儿童;饥饿的孩子;处于弱势的儿童spoiled 被宠坏的孩子sickly 多病的孩子asthmatic, autistic, disabled, dyslexic, hyperactive, etc. 患哮喘的孩子、自闭症患儿、残疾儿童、患诵读困难的孩子、多动症患儿等special-needs (因智力或身体有缺陷而)有特殊需要的儿童innocent 天真的孩子loving 充满爱心的孩子only 独生子;独生女It was a little lonely being an only child.独生子女有点儿孤单。eldest, first-born 最年长的孩子;头生子/头生女fatherless, motherless, orphaned 失去父亲的孩子;失去母亲的孩子;孤儿adopted 收养的孩子bastard (usually figurative) , illegitimate 私生子;非婚生子the bastard child of romantic fiction and horror浪漫小说与恐怖故事的私生子unborn 未出生子女the rights of the unborn child未出生子女的权利dependent 受抚养子女tax concessions for families with dependent children对有子女要抚养的家庭的税收减免street 流浪儿童There are a lot of street children in the poorer parts of the city.在城里比较贫困的地段有很多流浪儿童。biracial (NAmE) , mixed-race 双种族混血儿;多种族混血儿minority 少数民族儿童VERB + CHILDhave 有孩子How many children do you have?你有几个孩子?bear, give birth to, have 生孩子She didn't have her first child until she was nearly forty.她快到 40 岁才生了第一个孩子。father 成为孩子的父亲conceive 怀上孩子We had trouble conceiving our first child.我们怀第一个孩子时不太顺利。expect 怀着孩子They are expecting a child in June.他们的孩子将在 6 月份出生。adopt, foster 收养孩子lose 失去孩子She couldn't imagine the pain of losing a child at birth.她无法想象分娩时失去孩子的痛苦。bring up, raise, rear 抚养孩子;养育孩子He had old-fashioned ideas on how to bring up children.他在如何养育孩子方面还是旧观念。indulge, pamper, spoil 纵容/娇惯/溺爱孩子You can't spoil a child by giving it all the affection it wants.你不能这样惯孩子,他要怎样的宠爱你就给怎样的宠爱。love, nurture 爱孩子;养育孩子maltreat, neglect 虐待/疏于照料孩子educate, home-school (especially NAmE) , teach 教育孩子;在家教育孩子;教孩子discipline, punish, scold 管教/惩罚/批评孩子abandon 遗弃孩子abduct, kidnap 诱拐/绑架孩子abuse, molest 虐待/猥亵儿童immunize, vaccinate 给孩子接种疫苗CHILD + VERBbe born 孩子出生Their first child was born with a rare heart condition.他们的第一个孩子出生时有罕见的心脏病。develop, grow, grow up 孩子发育/成长/长大Children grow up so quickly!孩子们长得可真快!good food for growing children有利于孩子发育的食物cry, scream, whimper, whine 孩子哭泣/尖叫/抽泣/哭哭啼啼misbehave 孩子没规矩CHILD + NOUNactor, bride, soldier, star 儿童演员;娃娃新娘;娃娃兵;童星prodigy 神童development 儿童发育the emotional connections which ensure healthy child development确保儿童健康发育的情感联系custody 对孩子的监护权a child custody dispute between divorced parents离异父母之间的子女监护权之争support (子女)抚养费After they divorced, he refused to pay child support.他们离婚后,他拒绝支付孩子的抚养费。labour/labor 童工prostitution 童妓pornography 儿童色情abuse, molestation 对儿童的虐待;猥亵儿童abuser, killer, molester 虐待儿童者;儿童杀手;猥亵儿童者abduction 诱拐儿童psychiatrist, psychologist 儿童精神病专家/心理学专家protection, safety, services (NAmE) , welfare 儿童保护/安全/服务/福利PREPOSITIONwith child (literary) 怀有身孕big with child (= pregnant) 身怀六甲




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