

词组 excess
释义 excess


1too much of sth 过量ADJECTIVE | VERB + EXCESS | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVErhetorical, stylistic, verbal 夸大之辞;华而不实的风格;话语啰唆His statements cannot be simply dismissed as rhetorical excess.不能简单地把他的陈述斥之为夸大之辞。financial 金融过度scandalous, wretched (NAmE) 骇人听闻的过度放纵Washington has always been a city of wretched excesses.华盛顿一直都是一个极度放纵的城市。alcoholic (BrE) 过量饮酒worst excesses 最恶劣的过激行为the worst excesses of the 1980s20 世纪 80 年代最恶劣的暴行VERB + EXCESSavoid, contain, curb 避免/控制/抑制过激'Avoid excess' is the golden rule for a healthy life.健康生活的一条黄金定律就是“避免过度”。commit excesses, perpetrate excesses 施以暴行;犯有暴行the worst excesses committed by the occupying army占领军犯下的残忍暴行PREPOSITIONin excess 过量The drug can be harmful if taken in excess.过量服用该药是有害的。to excess 过度They never smoked or drank to excess.他们从不过量吸烟或饮酒。




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