

词组 fear
释义 fear


ADJECTIVE | VERB + FEAR | FEAR + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, deep, deep-seated, genuine, great, intense, overwhelming, pure, real, terrible, utter 很大的/深深的/根深蒂固的/名副其实的/巨大的/强烈的/无法抗拒的/纯粹的/真正的/可怕的/绝对的恐惧My biggest fear was that my children would get sick.我最害怕孩子生病。It was the first time she had experienced real fear.这是她第一次真正感到恐惧。worst 最恐惧的事growing 越来越强烈的恐惧general, widespread 普遍的/广泛的恐惧constant, nagging 持续不断的/不断袭来的恐惧the constant fear of discovery一直害怕被发现irrational, unfounded, unreasonable 无端的/莫名的/毫无理由的恐惧Our fears proved unfounded.我们的恐惧证明是没有根据的。legitimate, well-founded 合乎情理的/有充分理由的恐惧primal 原始的恐惧the most primal fear, that of death最原始的恐惧,即对死亡的恐惧mortal, paralysing/paralyzing 极度的/令人不知所措的恐惧public 公众的恐惧Public fears about the disease increased.公众对该疾病的恐惧越来越强烈。childhood 孩提时代的恐惧the girl's childhood fear of being eaten by monsters这个女孩孩提时害怕被怪兽吃掉的恐惧VERB + FEARexperience, feel, have 经历恐惧;觉得害怕She did not know why she should feel such fear.她不知为什么感觉如此恐惧。be filled with, be gripped by, be paralysed/paralyzed by, be paralysed/paralyzed with, tremble with 充满恐惧;被恐惧慑住;吓得无法动弹;吓得发抖express, show, voice 表达/面露/说出恐惧The boy showed no fear.这个男孩毫无惧色。Doctors have voiced fears that we may be facing an epidemic.我们可能爆发传染病,医生对此说有担忧。confront, face 正视/面对恐惧cause, inspire, instil/instill 造成恐惧;引起恐惧the fear that her mother had instilled in her她母亲给她造成的恐惧fuel, heighten, raise, stoke 加深/增加/引起/激起恐惧This incident will fuel fears of a full-scale war.这一事件加剧了人们对发生全面战争的恐慌。This stoked fears of financial difficulties.这加剧了人们对财务困难的恐惧。exploit 利用恐惧confirm 证实担心My worst fears were confirmed.我最担心的事得到了证实。allay, alleviate, assuage, calm, conquer, dispel, ease, overcome, quell 减轻/缓解/解除/平息/战胜/驱除/缓和/克服/遏制恐惧The government is anxious to allay the public's fears.政府急于减轻公众的恐惧。She managed to overcome her fear.她设法克服了恐惧。hide, mask 掩饰/掩盖恐惧FEAR + VERBabate, subside 恐惧减退/减轻When she heard the news, some of her fear subsided.她听到这一消息就不那么担忧了。grow (especially BrE) 恐惧加剧Fears are growing of a new oil embargo.对再一次石油禁运的担心越来越强烈。grip sb, haunt sb, overcome sb 某人被置于恐惧之中/为恐惧所困/被恐惧压倒A sudden fear gripped him.他突然感到一阵恐惧。course through sb, wash over sb, wash through sb 某人突然感到一阵恐惧strike sb 恐惧袭上某人心头PREPOSITIONfor fear of 唯恐Nobody refused for fear of being fired.由于怕失去工作,没有人拒绝。in fear 害怕地He ran away in fear.他吓得逃跑了。in fear of 害怕⋯The men hesitated in fear of whatever was to come next.这些人因为对将要发生的事担心而犹豫不决。out of fear 出于害怕He lied out of fear.他因为害怕而撒了谎。through fear 由于害怕The students obeyed through fear of punishment.这些学生由于害怕受惩罚就服从了。with fear 因为害怕His face was white with fear.他吓得面色苍白。without fear 毫无惧色She stared at him without fear.她毫无惧色地盯着他。fear about 害怕⋯his fear about what might happen他对可能发生的事情的恐惧fear for 对⋯的担心my fear for her safety我为她安全的担心fear of 害怕⋯They have a terrible fear of failure.他们非常害怕失败。fear over 对⋯的恐惧new fears over terrorism再次对恐怖主义的恐惧PHRASESfear and loathing 又怕又恨fear and trembling, fear and trepidation 怕得发抖;提心吊胆The men set off in fear and trepidation.这群男子惊慌失措地出发了。live in 生活在恐惧中The people live in fear of attack by the bandits.人们在担心强盗袭击的恐惧中度日。strike fear into (the heart of) sb 使某人(心里)感到恐惧The sound of gunfire struck fear into the hearts of the villagers.炮声使村民心惊胆战。




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