

词组 accident
释义 accident


1unexpected event that causes damage/injury 事故ADJECTIVE | VERB + ACCIDENT | ACCIDENT + VERB | ACCIDENT + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbad, dreadful (especially BrE) , horrible, horrific (especially BrE) , major, nasty, serious, terrible, tragic, unfortunate 严重的事故;可怕的事故;重大事故;骇人的事故;悲惨的事故;不幸的事故deadly (NAmE) , fatal 致命的事故a fatal road accident一起致命的道路交通事故minor, slight, small 小事故;轻微事故bizarre, freak 奇怪的/反常的事故Their boat sank in a freak accident.他们的船在一起反常的意外事故中沉没了。hit-and-run (汽车驾驶员等)肇事逃逸事故industrial, nuclear 工业事故;核事故auto (NAmE) , automobile (NAmE) , bike, car, highway (NAmE) , motor (BrE) , motorbike (BrE) , motorcycle, motor-vehicle, road, traffic 车祸;自行车事故;汽车事故;公路事故;机动车事故;摩托车事故;道路交通事故The woman was involved in a road traffic accident. (BrE) 这名妇女卷入了一起道路交通事故中。aircraft, airplane (NAmE) , plane (especially NAmE) 飞行事故boating, climbing, hunting, riding, skiing 划船/登山/狩猎/坠马/滑雪事故VERB + ACCIDENTbe involved in, have, meet with (BrE) , suffer 牵涉进事故中;发生事故;遇到事故;遭遇事故She met with an accident while skiing in Colorado.她在科罗拉多州滑雪时出了一起事故。cause 引起事故avoid, prevent 避免/防止事故survive 在事故中幸存下来recover from 从事故中康复ACCIDENT + VERBhappen, occur, take place 事故发生ACCIDENT + NOUNblack spot (BrE) 事故多发地段victim 事故受害者prevention 事故的预防investigation, report 事故的调查/报道rate, statistics 事故发生率/统计数字PREPOSITIONin an/the accident 在事故中PHRASESan accident involving 涉及⋯的事故He was badly hurt in an accident involving two cars and a van.他在一起两辆汽车和一辆货车相撞的事故中受了重伤。an accident waiting to happen (= a situation which is likely to become dangerous) 可能发生的事故the scene of the accident 事故现场The ambulance took only six minutes to reach the scene of the accident.救护车只用了 6 分钟就赶到了事故现场。




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