

词组 exchange
释义 exchange


2angry conversation/argument 争执ADJECTIVE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbrief 简短的争论acrimonious (especially BrE) , angry, bitter, heated, sharp 激烈的争论spirited 热烈的争论They've had many spirited exchanges.他们常争得面红耳赤。frank 坦率的争论a full and frank exchange of views开诚布公地充分交换意见free 自由辩论a free exchange of ideas and opinions自由交换想法和看法verbal 口角a bitter verbal exchange一场激烈的口角PREPOSITIONexchange about 关于⋯的争论angry exchanges about the problem of unemployment有关失业问题的激烈争论exchange between ⋯之间的争论There were many acrimonious exchanges between the two men.这两个人之间经常发生激烈的争论。exchange over 就⋯的争论an exchange over the question of Joe Hill's guilt一场有关乔•希尔的犯罪问题的争论exchange with 与⋯的争论Members got into heated exchanges with the chairperson.委员会成员和主席展开了一场激烈的争论。PHRASESan exchange of views 交换意见She had a full and frank exchange of views with her boss before resigning.她在辞职前与老板开诚布公地充分交换了意见。




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