

词组 invasion
释义 invasion


ADJECTIVE | VERB + INVASION | INVASION + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEfull-scale 全面入侵military 军事侵略Latest reports are of a full-scale military invasion.最新报道是有关一场全面军事入侵的。amphibious, ground, land 水陆两栖入侵;地面入侵imminent, impending, planned 迫近的入侵;有预谋的入侵Forces were massing on the border for an imminent invasion.军队正在边境地区大量集结,准备应对步步逼近的入侵。unilateral, unprovoked 单边的/无缘无故的入侵We cannot accept the unprovoked invasion of a sovereign nation.我们无法容忍对一个主权国家的无端入侵。home (NAmE) 入侵民宅Robberies and home invasions are grim facts of daily life.抢劫和侵入民宅都是日常生活中令人难以接受的事情。VERB + INVASIONcarry out, launch, mount 实施/发动/进行侵略repel, repulse 击退/驱逐入侵counter, oppose, resist 抗击/反抗/抵抗侵略justify, support 为侵略开脱;支持入侵INVASION + NOUNfleet, force 入侵舰队/军队PHRASESan invasion of privacy 侵犯隐私Having those photographers in the house was a terrible invasion of privacy.让这么多摄影记者进到家里,对隐私是极大的侵犯。fear of invasion, a threat of invasion 对入侵的恐惧;侵略的威胁




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