

词组 slave
释义 slave


ADJECTIVE | VERB + SLAVE | SLAVE + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEescaped, fugitive, runaway 逃跑的奴隶;逃亡的奴隶emancipated, freed 解放的/获得自由的奴隶former 前奴隶the son of former slaves前奴隶的儿子domestic, personal 家奴plantation 种植园奴隶galley 桨帆船上的奴隶galley slaves at the oars of Mediterranean ships在地中海桨帆船上划桨的奴隶wage 工资奴隶They work as wage slaves for 13 cents an hour.他们是挣工钱的奴隶,每小时挣 13 分。sex 性奴virtual 几乎是奴隶She was forced to work as a virtual slave for a rich family.她被迫几乎像奴隶一样为一家富人干活。VERB + SLAVEbecome 成为奴隶have, keep, own 拥有奴隶export, import 输出/输入奴隶buy, take sb as 买奴隶;把某人抓来当奴隶sell (sb as) 贩卖奴隶;把(某人)卖作奴隶use (sb as) 役使奴隶;将(某人)当奴隶使唤treat 对待奴隶He treated the slaves like animals.他待奴隶就像对待动物一样。emancipate, free, liberate 解放奴隶landowners who freed their slaves voluntarily自觉解放奴隶的地主SLAVE + NOUNlabour/labor 奴隶的劳动Without slave labour / labor, the tobacco industry would have collapsed.没有奴隶的劳动,烟草业早就破产了。labourer/laborer 干苦役的奴隶master, owner, trader 奴隶主;奴隶贩卖者market, trade, traffic 奴隶市场;奴隶买卖;非法奴隶贩运the abolition of the slave trade废除奴隶买卖ship 贩奴船population 奴隶人口society 奴隶社会studies comparing slave societies throughout history对历史上奴隶社会进行的比较研究state 蓄奴州Virginia was the largest slave state in the Union.联邦最大的蓄奴州是弗吉尼亚州。plantation 奴隶种植园rebellion, revolt, uprising 奴隶暴动/反抗/起义quarters 奴隶的住所the slave quarters at the rear of the house房子后面奴隶的住处girl, woman 女童奴;女奴wages (figurative) 微薄的血汗钱I'll be working long hours for slave wages!为那丁点儿血汗钱我得当牛做马好几个小时!PREPOSITIONslave of 完全受⋯控制的人a slave of habit受习惯支配的人slave to 完全依赖⋯的人a slave to fashion拼命赶时髦的人




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