

词组 sleep
释义 sleep


ADVERB | VERB + SLEEP | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBproperly (especially BrE) , soundly, well 睡得好;睡得香The children were all sleeping soundly.孩子们都睡得正酣。Did you sleep well last night?你昨晚睡得可好?You'll sleep better if you start to relax physically.如果你能身体放松,睡眠就会有改善。comfortably, peacefully, quietly, safely 睡得安稳;睡得恬静easily, quiet 睡得安心/安稳easy 从容入眠We can at least sleep easy at night, knowing that we are safe.知道现在安全了,我们至少晚上可以安然入睡了。When the murderer is caught we can all sleep easier in our beds at night.等到杀人犯被抓时,我们晚上都可以睡得更安心。late, long 睡懒觉Let them sleep late on Saturday morning if they want to.星期六早上他们想睡懒觉的话就让他们睡吧。She scolded him for sleeping so long.她训斥他竟然睡了这么久。badly, fitfully, poorly, uneasily 睡得不好;睡得断断续续;睡得不安稳deeply, heavily 睡得熟;睡得沉He was exhausted and slept deeply.他筋疲力尽,睡得很沉。lightly 睡得很轻She always slept very lightly so I had to be careful not to wake her.她睡眠总是很轻,所以我得小心别吵醒她。barely, hardly 几乎没有睡觉She felt as if she had hardly slept.她觉得自己好像没睡过觉。a little 睡一小会儿alone 单独睡together 一起睡VERB + SLEEPbe unable to, cannot 不能入睡;睡不着I couldn't sleep so I got up and went downstairs.我睡不着,就起身下了楼。try to 试图睡觉You must be very tired. Try to sleep a little.你一定累坏了,努力睡一会儿吧。let sb 让某人睡觉put sb/sth to 让⋯入睡You should always put babies to sleep on their backs.你应该让婴儿总是仰躺着睡。We had to have our dog put to sleep (= humanely killed).我们不得不请人让我们家的爱犬长眠。PREPOSITIONfor 睡(一段时间)I only slept for four hours that night.那晚我只睡了 4 个小时。through 整个⋯过程一直在睡She slept right through the storm.这场暴风雨中,她一直酣睡未醒。Very few babies sleep through the night (= without waking up).很少有婴儿能一觉睡到天亮。with 与⋯上床Everyone knows she sleeps with the boss.大家都知道她和老板上床。PHRASEShave trouble sleeping 入睡困难I've been having trouble sleeping lately.最近我一直很难入睡。not sleep a wink (= not sleep at all) 没合眼I didn't sleep a wink last night.昨晚我一夜没合眼。sleep like a baby, sleep like a log (= sleep very well) 酣睡sleep on your back, sleep on your front, sleep on your side, sleep on your stomach 仰着睡;趴着睡;侧着睡I had to sleep on my back for the first few days after the accident.事故后的头几天,我只能仰着睡。sleep overnight 过夜We slept overnight at the beach.我们在海滩上住了一晚。sleep outside, sleep rough (BrE) 露宿the problem of young people who sleep rough in the streets露宿街头的年轻人的问题




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