

词组 call
释义 call


1give a name to sb/sth 给⋯命名ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBcommonly, frequently 一般/常常称为Buenos Aires is often called the Paris of South America.布宜诺斯艾利斯常被称为“南美洲的巴黎”。formerly, originally 以前/原来叫做The area was formerly called West Meadow.该地区旧称西牧场。affectionately 亲切地称为His friends affectionately call him 'Bear'.他的朋友亲切地叫他“大熊”。just, simply 仅仅/干脆称为a character whom the writer calls simply 'The Girl'作者干脆称为“那女孩”的一个角色officially 正式称为The system is officially called the NPV System.该系统的正式名称为 NPV 系统。collectively 统称为a range of very small organisms, collectively called nanoplankton统称为微型浮游生物的一类很小的生物variously 以不同的名称称呼a tree variously called 'rowan' and 'mountain ash'一种既称为 rowan 又称为 mountain ash 的树aptly, rightly 贴切地称为tentatively 暂时称为He is writing a novel, tentatively called 'My Future'.他正在创作一部小说,暂定名为《我的未来》。euphemistically 委婉地称为soldiers killed by what is euphemistically called 'friendly fire'被委婉地说成死于“友军炮火”的士兵PREPOSITIONby 按⋯称呼We usually call him by his nickname.我们通常叫他的绰号。PHRASESyou could hardly call sth..., you would hardly call sth... 几乎不能称某物⋯You could hardly call the show perfect, but it was successful.这场演出称不上十全十美,但很成功。




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