

词组 crime
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1illegal act 罪行ADJECTIVE | VERB + CRIME | CRIME + VERB | CRIME + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEappalling (especially BrE) , awful, bloody, brutal, despicable, dreadful (especially BrE) , grave, great, heinous, horrible, horrific, serious, terrible, unspeakable, vicious 骇人听闻的罪行;血腥的罪行;残忍的罪行;卑劣的罪行;严重的罪行;令人发指的罪行one of the most horrific crimes of recent times近期最恐怖的犯罪活动之一big, major 重大犯罪行为the biggest crime since the Great Train Robbery火车大劫案以来最大的罪案lesser, minor, petty 轻罪He was charged with the lesser crime of possession.他以较轻的非法持有罪被指控。real 真正的犯罪She claimed that the real crime is that burglars and muggers usually get a light sentence.她声称,对入室盗窃者和抢劫者一般都判轻刑才是真正的犯罪。non-violent, violent 非暴力/暴力罪行perfect 掩盖得天衣无缝的罪行He boasted of having carried out the perfect crime.他吹嘘说他的这一罪行永远不会败露。notorious 臭名昭著的罪行one of the most notorious crimes in history历史上最臭名昭著的罪行之一capital 死罪After the reforms the only capital crimes were treason and murder.改革后,只有叛国罪和谋杀罪属于死罪。alleged 指控的罪行She never faced trial for her many alleged crimes.虽然她被指控犯下许多桩罪行,但从未受到审判。unsolved 未结案的罪行copycat 模仿犯罪the danger of copycat crimes in the wake of the shootings继几起枪击事件之后出现模仿犯罪的风险motiveless 没有动机的犯罪an apparently motiveless crime看似没有动机的犯罪victimless 无受害人的犯罪行为Insider dealing has been called a victimless crime.内幕交易被称为无受害者的犯罪行为。white-collar 白领犯罪drug, drug-related, gun 毒品/涉毒/枪支犯罪sex, sexual 性犯罪hate (因种族或宗教等导致的)仇恨犯罪a hate crime against a young gay man针对一名同性恋男青年的仇恨犯罪war 战争罪行political 政治犯罪terrorist 恐怖主义罪行federal (NAmE) 联邦犯罪VERB + CRIMEcarry out, commit, do, perpetrate (formal) 进行犯罪活动;犯罪;实施犯罪report 报案Many crimes are never reported to the police.许多犯罪案件从未向警方报案。investigate 调查罪行solve 破案a man who solves crimes using old-fashioned detective work使用老式侦破方法破案的人prosecute (NAmE) 起诉罪行a system of justice to prosecute crimes of terrorism对恐怖主义罪行提起公诉的司法制度punish 惩罚犯罪行为Hate crimes are not punished severely enough in my opinion.我认为对仇恨犯罪的惩罚不够严厉。witness 目睹罪行a child who has just witnessed a violent crime刚刚亲眼目睹了一起暴力犯罪的孩子confess 供认犯罪He confessed his crime to his sister.他向姐姐坦白了自己的罪行。CRIME + VERBinvolve sth 罪行涉及⋯crimes involving firearms与枪支有关的犯罪行为happen, occur 犯罪发生The crime occurred in broad daylight.这罪行发生在光天化日之下。be punishable by sth 罪行可受⋯的惩罚crimes punishable by death可判死刑的罪行CRIME + NOUNscene 犯罪现场victim 犯罪受害人suspect 犯罪嫌疑人PREPOSITIONcrime against 反⋯的犯罪行为crimes against humanity反人类罪PHRASESa crime of passion, a crime of violence 激情/暴力犯罪the scene of the crime 犯罪现场No weapon was found at the scene of the crime.犯罪现场没有发现任何武器。the punishment fits the crime 以罪量刑The punishment should fit the crime.量刑应与罪行相当。




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