

词组 crisis
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ADJECTIVE | VERB + CRISIS | CRISIS + VERB | CRISIS + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEacute, grave, major, serious, severe, terrible, worst 严重的危机;可怕的危机the worst economic crisis for fifty years50 年来最严重的经济危机deepening, growing, mounting, ongoing, unfolding (especially NAmE) 深化中的/发展中的/不断加剧的/仍在继续的/日益显露的危机impending, looming, potential 迫在眉睫的/逼近的/潜在的危机The plan could save the country from a looming energy crisis.这项计划能将该国从迫在眉睫的能源危机中解救出来。current, present 当前的危机global, international, national 全球性/国际性/全国性危机constitutional, ecological, economic, environmental, financial, fiscal, humanitarian, nuclear, political, social 宪法危机;生态危机;经济危机;环境危机;金融危机;财政危机;人道主义危机;核危机;政治危机;社会危机budget, cash, currency, debt, liquidity 预算/现金/货币/债务/清偿危机the Third-World debt crisis第三世界的债务危机energy, health, hostage, housing, immigration, oil, refugee 能源/健康/人质/住房/移民/石油/难民危机family, personal 家庭/个人危机moral, spiritual 道德/精神危机identity 身份认同危机midlife 中年危机VERB + CRISISbe faced with, be hit by, experience, face, go through, have (informal) , suffer, undergo 面临危机;受到危机的冲击;经历危机;遭受危机With competition from cheap imports, the industry is facing a serious crisis.由于廉价进口商品的竞争,该行业正面临严重的危机。He's having a midlife crisis.他正遭遇中年危机。cause, create, lead to, precipitate, provoke, spark off, trigger 引起危机;造成危机;引发危机address, alleviate, deal with, defuse, ease, handle, manage, overcome, resolve, respond to, solve, tackle 处理危机;缓解危机;化解危机;回应危机Union leaders are taking immediate steps to defuse the crisis.工会领导人将立即采取措施缓解危机。attempts to ease the town's housing crisis缓解城镇住房危机的各种努力survive, weather 挺过/渡过危机avert, avoid, prevent 避免危机;防止危机end 结束危机aggravate, exacerbate 加重危机CRISIS + VERBarise, erupt, hit, occur 危机出现/爆发/袭来/发生We are just waiting for the next crisis to arise.我们在等待下一次危机出现。deepen, unfold, worsen 危机加重/发展/恶化loom 危机逼近be over 危机结束As soon as the crisis was over, she relaxed.危机一结束,她就放松下来了。CRISIS + NOUNpoint 危机关头The team's dismal season has reached crisis point.该球队在赛季的表现令人沮丧,情况已到了紧急关头。situation 危急局面intervention, management 危机干预/处理an expert in crisis management危机处理专家PREPOSITIONduring a/the crisis 在危机期间Three people died during the hostage crisis.有 3 人死于人质危机。in (a/the) crisis 处于危机之中The government is in crisis.政府现在处于危机之中。She's no good in a crisis.遇到危机她就无能为力。crisis in ⋯方面的危机the growing crisis in education日渐加深的教育危机crisis over ⋯的危机a crisis over pensions养老金危机PHRASESa crisis of confidence 信任危机The company is suffering a severe crisis of confidence.公司正遭遇严重的信任危机。a crisis of faith 信仰危机a crisis of conscience 良知危机at/in moments of crisis, at/in times of crisis 在危机时刻/时期In times of crisis it's good to have someone you can rely on for advice.在危机时期,有个可以依靠的人提提建议真好。




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