

词组 boot
释义 boot


1strong shoe 结实的鞋ADJECTIVE | ... OF BOOTS | VERB + BOOT | BOOT + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEheavy 重靴light, lightweight 轻便靴high, knee-length, thigh-high, thigh-length 长筒靴;到膝盖的靴子;到大腿的靴子ankle, desert (到脚踝的)短靴;沙漠靴calf-high, calf-length 到小腿的靴子muddy 沾满泥的靴子polished 擦亮的靴子leather, plastic, suede 皮靴;塑料靴;绒面革皮靴rain (NAmE) , rubber (especially NAmE) , snow, wading, waterproof, Wellington (BrE) 雨靴;胶靴;雪地靴;涉水靴;防水靴;威灵顿长筒靴lace-up 系带靴high-heeled 高跟靴hobnail, hobnailed, thick-soled 钉有平头钉的靴子;厚底靴steel-capped (BrE) , steel-toecapped (BrE) , steel-toed (especially NAmE) 钢头靴work 劳动靴army, combat 军靴;作战靴baseball, football, rugby (all BrE) (cleats in NAmE) 棒球靴;足球鞋;橄榄球靴climbing, cowboy, hiking, riding, ski, walking (BrE) 登山靴;牛仔靴;远足鞋;马靴;滑雪靴;步行靴... OF BOOTSpair 一双靴子a pair of heavy walking boots一双厚重的步行靴VERB + BOOThave on, wear 穿着靴子put on 穿上靴子pull off, remove, take off 脱下靴子lace up, unlace 系上/解开靴带polish 擦亮靴子BOOT + NOUNpolish 靴油PHRASESas tough as old boots (especially BrE) 硬得咬不动The meat was as tough as old boots.这肉硬得咬不动。the toe of sb's boot 某人的靴尖She kicked at the snow with the toe of her boot.她用靴头踢雪。 topic at clothes




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